WoT Supertest: BZ-74-1 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

BZ-74-1 (China, Tier-8, HT, premium)

Historical reference

The vehicle was developed under the influence of the M48A3 tank received from the USA. The model has a classic layout with a cast hull welded from parts, as well as a welded turret made of rolled sheets. Many solutions for the chassis and hull were taken from the American vehicle.

5 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: BZ-74-1 In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

  1. the question is: why would China plan to make a tank based on the M48 when they had none?
    probable comment from someone: but Taiwan
    my refute: and why would Taiwan use the same nomenclature as China?
    I get it that after a while it becomes boring to make things up based on the T-54/55/62/Type 59/69/80 or the same one or two heavy tank prototypes, but couldn’t they pick a more credible starting point?
    Cadillac Gage Jaguar
    Vickers mbt’s

    1. Well, there’s a few possible ways for China to have gotten an M48A3.
      One would be from Vietnam (either the friendly way or during the Sino-Vietnamese war of 1979), another would be from Pakistan. Thirdly, it could’ve been taken during the Cambodian civil war…

      None of them are very likely, imo.
      And if taken during the Sino-Viet war, probably too late to be basing a tank off.

      As for why Little China and Big China would use the same form of naming; they originate from the same place. And BZ is a factory code or production code thing, so it might be plausible that Little China would use it too. That said; did Little China even have any tank development? Like… ever?

      1. if modifying existing tanks does not count then Taiwan is not known to ever have delved into tank development

        aside from the M41D and M64 (M42+M18), they have “recently” designed the CM-32 Clouded Leopard APC/IFV/CSV, which in turn is one more reason why Taiwan would not use the same naming system as China

        like I mentioned they had other options, we all know France is not all to opposed to sell things to dictators and even countries that support te**orist organisations for the sake of keeping their military industry afloat, although they have shifted quite a bit since Macron took office, they would sell to China the AMX-30/32/40 faster than we can blink, they did sell them SAM systems after all

        that would give WG a plausible enough reference, in a similar way to what they do with the What If ships in WoWs

  2. Just another fake tank from the febrile minds of WoT developers. Nothing to get excited about WoT new tanks these days.

    Might as well thrown in weaboo tanks to make a premium tech tree line from valkyria chronicles.

    Anything for profit goes.. 👍

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