WoT RU: Waffentrager – The Challenge

Who will emerge victorious from this fight – you decide!

A confrontation that cannot be avoided.
The mechanical monster and the pack of Hounds will meet on the battlefield once again!

What’s in the Engineer’s portal? Lots of things, but the main thing is three new tanks!

Czolg (P) wz.46 Wiedźmak

Polish Tier X award heavy tank with a unique appearance. The vehicle is excellently armored, quite dynamic and has multi-track mechanics.

detailed stats on tanks.gg


An exceptionally mobile German premium Tier IX tank destroyer with a three-round magazine reloading system.

Object 265T

A Soviet Tier VIII premium heavy tank with excellent armor that will allow it to confidently play from the side.

The probability of getting a premium tank is –8%!

If the vehicle has not dropped within 14 portal launches, you will definitely get the tank in the next, 15th portal.

You can replace the dropped reward once for only 750.000 credits. The reward replacement is taken into account in the counter of opening the Engineer’s portals until the guaranteed reward.

The Engineer Starter for opening the portal can be obtained for free from progression rewards, as well as from destroying the almost elusive version of the Waffenträger – Blitzträger.

With the start of the event, Engineer Starter packs will become available in the Premium Shop.

The Path to Awards

The event will reward you with a variety of valuable trophies – bonds, credits, Premium account days, keys to play on Waffenträger and much more. Progress through the game, get Hound and Engineer starters and launch portals that lead to rewards.

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