WoT 1.26.1: Tech Tree Trade-In

This event offers the chance to exchange one of your fully researched Tech Tree branches for a different one.

  • Available for a limited time.
  • Only one trade-in transaction can be made during this launch.
  • Eligible vehicle tiers: VI–X.
    • Fewer than five vehicles can be traded if the target branch is researched up to Tier VI and above.
    • Lower tiers are not eligible for trade-in and do not need to be researched for higher-tier exchanges to be made.

  • All assets linked to the vehicles affected by the trade-in will be retained on your account and/or transferred to your newly received vehicles:
    • Equipment (including Improved and Experimental Equipment), directives, customization elements, and ammo from the vehicles traded in will be moved to the Depot for free.
    • Field Modification levels will be transferred to the new vehicles. You will also receive compensation in credits for the Modifications installed on the vehicles you traded in.
    • The modules of all vehicles you give away will be removed and de-researched, including those in the Depot. The vehicles you receive will have every module researched and purchased.
    • Crew members in the vehicles given away when you traded them will be converted into nation-bound recruits, meaning they can be moved to other vehicles of the same nation they were before the trade without penalty. However, if a crew member had a perk efficiency penalty, they will be sent to the Barracks instead.
    • All Combat XP from vehicles you give away will be transferred to that nation’s Tier I vehicle.
    • All Service Record stats, Achievements, and Battle Pass Point and bond limits of vehicles you give away will be retained.
  • The trade-in transaction requires a fee in gold to be paid. The exact fee will not be final during the Common Test.
    • The trade-in fee varies depending on the number of tiers exchanged, the difference in XP required to research the traded branches, and the number of blueprints applied to the target branch.
    • The trade-in fee in gold can be substituted with other resources (bonds, Free XP, or national and universal fragments) for up to 100% of its cost (but some currencies are capped at a certain amount).
  • Eligible vehicles:
    • Every Tech Tree branch can be exchanged.
    • You can receive any branch of vehicles, except for certain recently released ones.
  • Tech Tree Trade-In operations are irreversible. Before making a decision, you should explore in detail the branch you want to receive, the rules that determine the final trade-in fee, and the effect the exchange will have on your vehicles, crews, and equipment.

2 thoughts on “WoT 1.26.1: Tech Tree Trade-In

  1. Got a feeling that it’s gonna be hella overpriced and gonna prey on people who don’t like grinding lines. Trade-in with wg are never really going to be beneficial for the players

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