WoT Supertest: Centurion Mk. IA

The only vehicle to enter the Supertest today is the Centurion Mk. IA, a Tier VII British medium tank.

The Centurion Mk. IA has decent mobility (with a base top forward speed of 50 km/h) and mediocre protection. Its main armament allows for comfortable gunplay: the handling, penetration values (171 mm and 239 mm for the standard and the special round), DPM, accuracy, maximum depression (–10°) and elevation (20°) angles are all good.

In most combat situations, the Centurion Mk. IA should play as support. It can trade HP to its advantage if needed, but you’ll be more comfortable if you stay close to your teammates or, if alone, at a distance from your opponents.

2 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Centurion Mk. IA

  1. Dk why but the hull and turred with the gun just looks like the Centurion from GuP… Even the tracks on the frontal Hull looks same :I

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