WoT Server Win Rate vs. Player Percentage

source: reddit

What percentage are you in? Data analysis performed with data pulled from the official API. Last image is Battles Played vs. Player Percentage.

  • For win rate analysis, players with fewer than 1,000 battles were excluded.
  • Image 2 to 4: The NA and SEA servers show slightly more extreme player performance, where bad players tend to perform worse and good players tend to perform better compared to the EU server.

  • For the battles played, players with fewer than 100 battles were excluded. For example, a player with exactly 100 battles is placed in the 0% bracket, even though many players have fewer than 100 battles.
  • Figure 6 suggests there are more grinders on the EU server in terms of total battles played.

WOT Server Win Rate vs. Player Percentage. What percentage are you in? Data analysis performed with data pulled from the official API. Last image is Battles Played vs. Player Percentage.
byu/Large_Cantaloupe8905 inWorldofTanks

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