WoT Supertest: Prototipo 6

The brand-new Prototipo 6, a Tier VIII Italian medium tank will be joining the Supertest soon!
This vehicle is armed with a 105 -mm gun featuring a 3-shell autoreloading magazine that, delivering 300 HP of damage per shot. It has a full reload time of 35.5 seconds, with 2.5 seconds between each shell.

Compared to its “companion,” the Progetto M35 mod. 46, the Prototipo has a lower top speed of 50 km/h but offers much better acceleration and overall dynamics.

While the tank may have an impressive amount of armor, it performs well as a support vehicle. Stick close to your heavy allies, provide covering fire, and aim to fully use your magazine. Be sure to switch flanks when necessary, avoid direct close-quarters duels, and make the most of the tank’s decent mobility to stay out of danger.

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