Average damage: 560/560/700
Average armor penetration (mm): 265/326/65
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 4,81
Loading of the gun (sec): 12,46
Turret Traverse Speed (deg/s): 26,07
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 34,42
Gun elevation/depression (deg): -5/17
Aiming time (sec): 2,3
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,38
Average damage per minute: 2,696
Strength (HP): 2,700
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 275/120/70
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 310/150/100
Track Repair time (sec): 12,03
Engine power (hp): 900
Specific power (hp/t): 15,13
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 55/20
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 5,59/0,85
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 2,79/0,43
View Range (m): 410
lmao apfsds for 279, but the leo1, centurion, and m60 uses apcr
Brave for Lesta, ouour WG is decade behind them…
these have that polish td mechanic along with a new ability…
they are gonna be a bit broken
279e can do 1k dmg at less than 10m. 600~800 at 50m
while having good armor…