WoT 1.26 Common Test: Personal Exchange Rate and Interface Updates

In 1.26, you can see a new interface for converting Combat Experience to Free Experience, as well as converting Gold to Credits.

At the same time, a new functionality has appeared with these exchange opportunities – Limited exchange rate. You can get it once in one of the ways indicated below:

New features include:
• Limited exchange rate for Free Experience 1 to 50 (Currently max. 1 to 40)
• Limited exchange rate for Credits 1 to 1200 (Currently max. 1 to 400)
• Purchase of a one-time bonus to the exchange rate. (as part of the test)
• Purchase of a one-time bonus to the exchange rate as part of packages (as part of the test)
• Combat missions to receive a one-time bonus to the exchange rate. (as part of the test)

All this looks quite interesting. Especially the Personal exchange rate for free experience 1 to 50. Because such a figure has never been seen in the entire history of the game, it would be profitable within the framework of Assembly Shop if, of course, they continue to come out further.

2 thoughts on “WoT 1.26 Common Test: Personal Exchange Rate and Interface Updates

  1. What a waste of time. Developers procrastinating with tinkering with things that do not need changing. Whilst ignoring the elephants in the room that players want fixing 🤦🏼‍♂️

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