WoT EU: 5th Assembly Shop Results

For the first time, all 80,000 tanks of the Vickers MBT Mk. 3 were NOT sold out by the end of the event on July 29 at 02:00 (GMT+3). The Assembly Shop format is no longer to everyone’s liking. Although the tank is not the worst, it is not what players expected.

0/40,000 with 3D style
~28,009/40,000 without 3D style

6th Assembly Shop is in question.

23 thoughts on “WoT EU: 5th Assembly Shop Results

  1. 1. WG should just release all 80K with 3D style (all numbered 1-80K).
    2. Do Assembly shop for T8 premium as a change (at reduced costs).
    3. With declining server populations of dedicated players, fewer and fewer player will spend so many resources twice a year for a T10 reward tank that can’t even be used in modes like Onslaught.
    4. Most players barely even play 50 battles in these expensive white elephants. Make the assembly shop T10s semi-premium (don’t lose money, if not make money).

    1. Why should wg do anything?
      I don’t care whether this shitty tank sold 1 or 100,000 doesn’t bother me.

  2. “The Assembly Shop format is no longer to everyone’s liking.”

    Maybe because it’s always been too expensive and only a few should care about it?

  3. ”The Assembly Shop format is no longer to everyone’s liking”, Vickers is a sniper medium tank with no armor whatsoever, not everyone is going to pay 180$ in resources for a tank with no armor, if it was Mk.6 or MBT-B it would sell out day 1. Also assembly is highly anticipated in the months leading up to it.

  4. 125million for a tier 10 where regular tier 10 cost 6.4million and then only to lose 50-60k per battle every game no thanks!

  5. It’s very weird that the Vickers didn’t sell out – it’s arguably the best Assembly Shop tank so far, maybe behind the Lion. But, as other people mentioned, the playerbase is getting tired from all these events and if you have 700 tanks in your garage, buying one extra for 125M credits / 55k gold / 500k bonds / 1M free xp just feels unnecessary.

    1. Nobody plays teir 10 until they fix the OP. That’s what all the players called for. Then players question why players don’t play teur 10 🤦🏼‍♂️

      Also it’s summer time players have other things to do than waste resources and time on a British tank that are traditionally “weak”

      1. Which server region are you playing in? Because on EU the MM is full of tier 10. Almost all my battles with a X are 15v15 only tier X. Whenever I play 8s and 9s, I am quite often bottom tier. So I haven’t really seen this “nobody plays tier 10” thing for the last year.

  6. Well, this AS has finally drained me of ressources: I was forced to use blueprints to complement 640k free XP. I’ll probably have to pass on the next one, unless they wait a fair bit to do it.

  7. They need to do Tier 9 Assembly opprotunities, cause that Tier 10 shit is dead. Cant profit regularly from Tier 10 at all. Go look at some of the biggest Content creators for WoT, they tend to run streams and they lose a lot when they run tier 10s. And even they recommend spamming tier 8 or 9 over 10.

  8. I like the tank and don’t mind too much what I paid for it….but the Vickers 3 should have been the top of a tech-tree branch.

  9. Can’t say I’m surprised. Even if they only do these 2 times a year, at some point you will run people dry on resources to be able to catch up again to keep at it unless they play several hours a day etc. Meaning more and more won’t afford it regardless of how good or bad it is. On top of more people that don’t care vs before.

    1. Far less players due to stale game development. Plus WG have had a marathon or lootbox every month now. Yes EU and richer than the orcs of RU but still there’s a limit…

  10. Wickets was not sold for one reason only… Almost no armor and you need to know how to play such tanks! Well, maybe partly because it’s summer, annual vacations. All the rest is crap that is hard to listen to!

    1. it’s literally slower, but more accurate & better gun handling leo1

      & leo1 isn’t that hard even without spamming gold like typical noobs

      1. Incorrect. Stop posting comments when you have no idea what your talking about. You embarrass yourself

  11. Maybe it is a sign of a declining playerbase, or people or just tired of the lootbox/event spam. Whatever the cause, there is definitely a noticeable lack of enthusiasm for new tanks in the playerbase. Take the CS 52 C – it ‘s a shit tank, to be sure, but I have seen hardly ANY in the game (maybe 1 in 30 battles) even though it was sold for gold. I have never seen anything like it.

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