WoT 1.25 Common Test: Premium/Promotional Vehicles Changes

ST-62 version 2
(USSR, Tier-10, MT, promotional, magazine for 3 shells with reverse reloading). Changes relative to the third iteration of the supertest

• Module repair cost: from 8,960 to 8,985
• Aiming time: from 1.92 to 2.21
• Hull armor: from 100/70/40 to 100/75/40
• Strength of tracks (after repair): from 175 (70) to 200 (80)

• Load capacity: from 35,000 to 43,000
• Engine power: from 600 to 700
• Specific power: from 20.00 to 18.42
• Hull weight: from 12,245 to 18,110
• Turret weight: from 7,800 to 8,500
• Chassis weight: from 6,000 to 7,500
• Engine weight: from 1,300 to 1,200
• Radio weight: from 80 to 90
• Tank weight: from 30,000 to 38,000

• New Description:
In the early 1960s, the Leningrad VNII-100 was developing a medium tank with the working name ST‑62 version 2. The emphasis was on protecting the vehicle from the damaging factors of nuclear weapons (radiation and shock waves). Initially, the project assumed an uninhabited tower, and the entire crew was housed in the hull. However, due to the fact that related manufacturers were unable to provide the automatic loader and electronics in time, a loader/loading mechanism operator was placed in the turret, since the process could not be fully automated. Instead of standard viewing devices, it was planned to use television surveillance. The cameras were located in the bow of the hull and on the turret. They also wanted to make weapon control remote. The tank was developed with several options for guns and power plants. The project was closed at the preliminary design stage.
• New short description:
Reverse loading mechanism, low profile
• New detailed description:
Soviet medium tank with an unusual appearance and an experimental weapon. ST-62 ver. 2 had frontal armor with rational angles and a unique 100-mm gun with a loading mechanism. In addition to its offensive capabilities, the vehicle also featured excellent power-to-weight ratio, which allowed it to carry out rapid maneuvers and gain an advantage over any heavily armored enemy.

Leichter Kpz. 70 (K)
(Germany, Tier-8, LT, promotional, mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension). Change from base 1.24.1
• New Description:
In 1970, Krupp GmbH conducted a study on the possibility of creating a tank with a crew of one to three people, as well as remotely controlled tanks without a crew. The basic type of vehicle was supposed to have an adjustable hydropneumatic suspension with very large roller strokes and high power density. The main armament consisted of a cannon with two-plane stabilization. Due to the use of a lifting roof over the breech of the gun, an excellent declination angle of -10 degrees was ensured. The crew was located in the stern and controlled the tank using television cameras and remote systems with a high degree of automation. The main protection of the vehicle was to be its excellent mobility. Work was stopped at the stage of layout and preliminary drawings.
• New short description:
Excellent weapon, hydropneumatic suspension
• New detailed description:
The unique layout of the vehicle allows the gun to tilt by as much as 10 degrees. The hydropneumatic suspension allows them to be further increased, and the compact uninhabited turret with an accurate 90 mm gun makes it possible to fire from behind cover, completely hiding the hull, which makes the vehicle an extremely unpleasant enemy.

(USA, Tier-9, TD, promotional). Changes relative to base 1.24.1
• Cost of repairing tank: from 17,480 to 17,100
• Invisibility of a vehicle in motion: from 7.70% to 10.94%
• Invisibility of a vehicle in motion after a shot: from 1.39% to 1.97%
• Invisibility of a stationary vehicle: from 12.88% to 18.24%
• Invisibility of a stationary vehicle after a shot: from 2.32% to 3.28%
• Penalty for stealth in case of fire: from 33.90% to 48.00%

Vickers MBT Mk. 3
(Great Britain, Tier-10, MT, promotional). Changes relative to base 1.24.1
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.29 to 0.26
• Dispersion from movement (max.): from 0.10 (5.00) to 0.10 (5.50)
• Max. forward speed: from 50 to 55

Crusher (Great Britain, Tier-8, HT, premium). Changes relative to the second iteration of the supertest
• New short description:
Rapid fire weapon, heavy armor
• New detailed description
• Cost of repairing tank strength: from 6,300 to 6,750
• Module repair cost: from 6,540 to 7,064
• Gun loading: from 8.15 to 7.48
• Gun rate of fire: from 7.36 to 8.02
• Aiming time: from 2.21 to 2.11
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.36 to 0.35
• Dispersion after shot: from 3.50 to 3.00
• Dispersion from chassis rotation (max.): from 0.15 (4.38) to 0.15 (4.69)
• Dispersion from turret rotation (max.): from 0.13 (4.07) to 0.10 (3.65)
• Initial flight speed of 1 (AP) projectile: from 1,000 to 1,010
• Damage 1 (AP) projectile: from 350 to 330
• Average damage per minute with 1 (AP) projectile: from 2,577 to 2,648
• Damage per module 1 (AP) projectile: from 150 to 135
• Initial flight speed of 2 (APCR) projectile: from 1,100 to 1,180
• Damage 2 (APCR) with a projectile: from 350 to 330
• Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) of a projectile: from 2,577 to 2,648
• Damage per module 2 (APCR) with a projectile: from 150 to 135
• Armor penetration of 3 (HE) projectile: from 90 to 54
• Initial flight speed of 3 (HE) projectile: from 1,000 to 1,010
• Damage 3 (HE) projectile: from 500 to 430
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 3,681 to 3,450
• Damage by module 3 (HE) projectile: from 150 to 135
• Tank durability/HP: from 1,400 to 1,500
• Turret traverse speed: from 31.29 to 36.51
• Hull traverse speed: from 29.20 to 31.29

Vz. 58 Medvěd
(Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, HT, premium, mechanics: drum for 4 shells). Changes relative to the second iteration of the supertest
• Name: from ” Vz. 58 Koncept ” to ” Vz. 58 Medvěd ”
• Short name: c “Vz. 58 K.” to “Medvěd”
• New short description
Drum for 4 shells, strong armor
• New detailed description:
• Removed tank tag: “Gun Rammer (Class 1)”.
• Cost of repairing tank: from 17,500 to 15,750
• Module repair cost: from 7,690 to 8,190
• Track strength (after repair): from 260 (180) to 240 (160)
• Invisibility of a vehicle in motion: from 3.02% to 3.70%
• Invisibility of a vehicle in motion after a shot: from 0.54% to 0.67%
• Invisibility of a stationary vehicle: from 6.04% to 7.35%
• Invisibility of a stationary vehicle after a shot: from 1.09% to 1.32%
• Penalty for stealth in case of fire: from 15.90% to 19.40%

Lätt Stridsfordon 120
(Sweden, Tier-9, TD, promotional, mechanics: hydropneumatic suspension activated by button). Changes relative to base 1.24.1
• Cost of repairing tank strength: from 10,500 to 15,000
• Invisibility of a vehicle in motion after a shot: from 3.09% to 2.81%
• Invisibility of a stationary vehicle: from 26.05% to 25.99%
• Invisibility of a stationary vehicle after a shot: from 5.16% to 4.68%
• Penalty for stealth in case of fire: from 68.60% to 68.40%

6 thoughts on “WoT 1.25 Common Test: Premium/Promotional Vehicles Changes

  1. And the fucking multishots and ultra hulldown shitshow carries on.
    On an average of 15 players a team on average has fucking 6/7 barillets/ autoloader/autoreloader, reversed autoreloader, double barreled BStanks.
    This game has turned itself into a pathetic turd of arcade game with a bit of Mario Kart on top of that…

    Fucking useless game developers

    1. couldnt have said it better sadly its true too many high alpha high dpm tanks and turbo matches killed the game

    2. it was an arcade game from day 1, or the fact that tanks have hitpoints wasnt telling enough?

    3. This is why I don’t play anymore. But it’s joyful to read comments from sad cúnts like you.

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