WoWS ST 0.10.11, changes to test ships + PT 0.10.11, Balance changes

We adjusted the parameters of some ships based on testing results. The changes will be applied to Novorossiysk, Giuseppe Verdi, and Rahmat.

Soviet Battleship Novorossiysk, Tier VI:

  • Number of Hit Points decreased from 44,500 to 40,100;
  • Maximum AP shell damage decreased from 9,700 to 9,250.

Italian Battleship Giuseppe Verdi, Tier IX:

  • Main Battery reload time increased from 30 to 31 s.
  • Maximum AP shell damage decreased from 13,050 to 12,600.

Pan-Asian Cruiser Rahmat, Tier VI:

  • In order to achieve a more consistent progression of ship’s artillery, the 133mm main battery guns became a separate researchable module that is compatible with either of the equipped hulls.
  • 133mm main battery guns reload time decreased from 7 to 6.5 s.
  • 113mm main battery guns reload time increased from 5.3 to 6 s.
  • 180-degree turn time for the 113mm turrets increased from 9 to 18 s.

PT 0.10.11, Balance changes

The changes will be applied to Zao, Tallinn, Fubuki, Yueyang and test ships.

X Zaō

  • Number of Hit points increased from 42,800 to 44,900.

VIII Tallinn

  • Reduced minimum shell dispersion, which will increase accuracy by about 10%.

VI Fubuki

  • Detectability range by sea decreased from 7,02 to 6,92 km. Other detectability ranges were changed accordingly.

X Yueyang

  • Maximum torpedo damage increased from 17,900 to 18,800;

American destroyer Forrest Sherman, Tier X:

  • Main battery reload time decreased from 2,5 to 2 s.
  • “Engine Boost” consumable replaced with “Hydroacoustic Search”.

Japanese superdestroyer Yamagiri:

  • Changed characteristics of the Type 93 mod.3 torpedoes:
    • Maximum torpedo range reduсed from 12 to 8 km.
    • Torpedo speed increased from 67 to 76 knots.
    • Torpedo detectability range by sea increased from 1,7 to 1,8 km.
    • Maximum torpedo damage reduced from 23,767 to 21,367.

X Jinan

  • Main battery reload time reduced from 3,8 to 3,5 s.
  • Maximum main battery firing range increased from 13,5 to 14,5 km.
  • Torpedo tubes reload time reduced from 133 to 126 s.

IX Sejong

  • Main battery reload time decreased from 5,25 to 5 s.
  • Maximum main battery firing range increased from 13,3 to 14 km.
  • Torpedo tubes reload time reduced from 133 to 126 s.

IX Dalian

  • Main battery reload time increased from 4,5 to 5 s.

VIII Harbin

  • Maximum torpedo range increased from 10 to 11 km.
  • 180° turret turn time reduced from 18,6 to 7,2 s.
  • Maximum main battery firing range increased from 13 to 13,5 km.
  • Hull B torpedo protection reduced from 25% to 4%.

VII Chumphon

  • Added “Torpedo Reload Booster” consumable.
  • Maximum main battery firing range increased from 12,7 to 13,2 km.
  • Maximum torpedo range increased from 9,5 to 10.5 km.

Soviet destroyer Delny, Tier X:

  • Maximum main battery firing range increased from 11,5 to 13,1 km.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.