SPGs have always had their own place in World of Tanks, and they’ve seen many changes that have affected their gameplay. A few months ago, we suggested several new mechanics for both artillery and its opponents. After testing them together with you, we’ve come a long way. Now, we’re ready to introduce all these changes into the game. In anticipation of the release of Update 1.13, let’s take a closer look at the new features and how these mechanics will work.
Counteracting SPGs: Sound Detection
Let’s start off with the features for counteracting SPGs and alerting players. Until now, non-SPG Commanders lacked useful information, which meant they didn’t have effective tools to actively counteract artillery. It was difficult to track an enemy SPG’s actions and predict the direction of potential incoming damage. Now you’ll have more opportunities for tactical analysis, which will help you make smarter decisions and, as a result, take less SPG damage or even avoid it completely.
Sound Detection (aka “Sixth Sense for Arty”) is a brand-new commander perk that will warn you of incoming shells from enemy SPGs. When an SPG fires a shot, players whose vehicles are inside the danger zone will see a special indicator. The size of the danger zone will depend on the splash radius of the SPG’s shells.
Depending on the shell velocity and travel distance, you will have a short time to react, so try to make the most of it. If you are playing in a slow, well-armored vehicle, these valuable seconds may be enough to move the hull and protect your tank more effectively. These actions will be enough to reduce (sometimes quite significantly) the damage you take.
Fast and maneuverable vehicles can even try to leave the affected area, and the further you are from the center of the explosion, the less damage and stun you will take. It may seem too little to make a difference, but even moving away from the blast center by at least half a meter will already help reduce the potential amount of damage and stun, regardless of which vehicle you are playing in.
Previously, you could only approximate an SPG’s location on the battlefield, but the brighter shell tracers will allow you to confirm your suspicions. Plus, you’ll be able to tell when arty is shooting specifically at you, so you can find a safer position to avoid getting hit.
Although you won’t be able to pinpoint the location of artillery to within one meter, this feature will still enable you to better plan your battle strategy.
And while they will now be much easier to spot, competent SPG players should already be planning to change positions after a shot. Even if the opponent has seen your tracer, it doesn’t mean you need to stick around to get caught!
Field of Fire Markers on the Minimap
Field of fire markers on the minimap will help you track the actions of artillery and better plan your tactics in battle. Once an artillery shell hits the ground, a vehicle, or any other object, a shot marker will be displayed at that spot on the minimap. It will be visible for only 10 seconds before disappearing, giving you enough time to spot the shot.
Keeping an eye on the minimap has always been very useful—all strong and skilled players constantly do it. A lot of important information can be gleamed from the minimap, and now there will be even more of it. Attentive Commanders will be able to take full advantage of this feature. For example, if a shell tracer is visible next to you, and a marker for another shot appears in a different part of the minimap, this means that both SPGs are now reloading their guns. You won’t take damage from above for the next 20–30 seconds, which gives you time to execute your next move. You can continue the attack, change your position, or even flank an enemy while still having time to find cover before the SPGs fire again.
Reworked Intuition: Helping You Make the Right Shell Choice
Another important new feature all non-SPGs now have at their disposal is the reworked Intuition perk. It will become a skill and be available for the loader to learn. Thanks to this feature, an already loaded shell can be quickly replaced with a different shell type.
You can see the exact time it will take to change the shell type under the reload timer. Fully training the Intuition skill will speed up the shell-swapping process by 60%, and another 6% can be obtained through the commander’s bonus. Bonuses from Brothers in Arms, Improved Ventilation, directives, and food consumables, such as Extra Combat Rations, can further increase this value up to 84%.
Finally, non-SPGs Commanders will spend less time stunned. Artillery will have a wider selection of shells, and two of their shell types will not cause stun, which will significantly reduce the total stun duration in battles.
More SPG Shell Types
SPGs will now have three shell types at their disposal. Each of them will feature its own combat purpose, trajectory, and velocity.
- Standard HE shells with stun: The easiest shell type to use. It causes low damage and stuns the crews of several targets with a single shot. It features the lowest velocity of all three shell types, but the most comfortable, high-angle trajectory. As a result, it will be easier for SPG players to hit targets behind small hills and other obstacles.
- Alternative HE shells without stun: The optimal choice for shooting at vehicles with light and medium armor. It will have a higher velocity but a slightly lower trajectory. Unlike standard ammo, the alternative shell will be able to damage internal modules and injure the crew. They will also have higher penetration and damage values.
- AP shells (tactical shells): These rounds will have the flattest trajectory (traveling the closest to the ground among all artillery shells) and the greatest penetration values. Their velocity will also be the highest of all three shell types, so you can shoot them without much need to lead the shot.
Burst Radius
Damage to Modules
Burst Radius
Damage to Modules
Burst Radius
Damage to Modules
Due to the different travel trajectories, it will be more effective to retarget the gun after changing the shell type if you want to shoot at the same point. You should also be aware of the combat situation and react quickly to it, so using the right shells at the right time is the key to success in battle. For example, if you see a group of opponents on one of the flanks, it would be wiser to shoot at them using a standard HE shell. You will not only cause damage, but also stun them. As for firing at a single vehicle with good armor, it is better to use an AP shell.
Changes to the SPG Ammo Interface
The changes in the arsenal of artillery led to the refinement of the interface for SPG players. Each shell type will have colored indicators that will inform you whether this shell can reach what you’re aiming at:
- If the indicator is green, it means that there are no obstacles in the path of the shell.
- If the indicator is red, the shell will not be able to reach the target.
In addition, a zoom scale will be displayed on the interface. By scrolling the mouse wheel, you can switch from the regular top-down view—Artillery mode—to Trajectory View. You can also press the G key to do this if you prefer.
As the velocity and trajectory of all three shell types are different in the new system, we decided to add one more feature to make SPG players’ lives easier: an estimated shell travel time indicator next to the crosshair. It will help players understand when to make a shot to increase their chance of hitting a moving target.
More Tactical Options for Both Sides
After the release of all these changes, both SPGs and their opponents will have more tactical options. SPG players will have to observe the course of the battle and respond to changes on the battlefield, keeping in mind that the enemy team will receive more information about them than they do now. On the other hand, three shell types in the arsenal will help them better adapt to different combat situations.
Commanders facing SPGs will receive much more strategic information and will be able to use it to actively counteract SPGs. Sound Detection, brighter shell tracers, and field of fire markers on the minimap will help you read the combat situation better and reduce the amount of damage you take from artillery fire. The reworked Intuition skill will make it easier to react to changing combat situations. Finally, the total stun time in the game will decrease, which is surely a change for the better.
Source: EU Portal
Arty should be transformed into consumables just like they did on the Berlin Players Vs Engine event.
And there is no point playing a game where theres a bunch of LAZY players just clicking on a map, while almost everyone is playing.
The way WG cares about artillery just make me think about social inclusion, oh there is too many fktard players on our game, I think we should do something about them cause its too hard for them to use both hands and brain. Voillá a map clicking game for brain damaged and unskilled child…
At least they see a big enough problem with them to not introduce more into the game. Just wish they’d wipe them from the game
There are a lot of players older than us who have slower reaction times so play arty and td’s much more. Those happen to be the people who pay for everything on this game and without them the game wouldn’t exist.
On the other hand WG put broken wheels that turn 180° in a second, i think they made it to sell the game to fornite players.
And what, those old players can’t use heavies? Is not like wot is a counterstrike type of game, where you need good reflexes.
Yes as shown by your rubbish game states lmao
You seem upset, for whatever reason than i don’t care. 🙂
Turreted vehicles all need better reaction times than td’s or arties. And truth be told arty has been in the game since the start. I don’t have any problem with it being in the game. If I get hit by arty its my own fault for being stupid.
lol wg needs to make it easier for players…. if i get hit by spg my current direction of fire indicator already tells me where shot came from, so i ping the map to let team know where spg is….no-one ever realises what you are doing when you ping the map for spg positions, or maybe they just don’t care.
99% of the maps only have 1-2 spg positions that spg can even play from anyway… I mean…how easy does WG have to make it for the spg haters?.
The movie idiocracy seems to be a glimpse into our future.
That film is pure genius in its truth, and i hated myself every time i laughed at it.
Why don’t you post the skill video where he reacts to the new patch?
Copy n pasting WG news from they own website is so lame.
But this is a paki blog like the game is deded.
Dude, I just finished uni, I will post everything, need to catch up with a ton of stuff.
Well, I did try out arty with new patch. Guess what – it totally sucks now. AP is a total gamble, the other two ammos are useful, but far less than before. ConcGC was nerfed hard IMHO, like all other hightier arties.
Same goes for the HE-“rework“. Total fuckup in my eyes. Tried E100 a few rounds with 15cm. Result: you need now HEAT almost all the time. And in return get spammed by HEAT all the time, too. Well done, WG, well done. 🙁