WoWS ST 0.10.1, changes to test ships, second season of Ranked Battles

We adjusted the parameters of some ships based on testing results. The changes will be applied to Italian battleships, German destroyers and Austin.

German destroyers Z-31, Tier VII; Gustav Julius Maerker, Tier VIII:

  • Torpedoes replaced with ones similar to the base torpedoes of T-22:
    • Torpedo range reduced from 8 to 7 km;
    • Torpedo speed reduced from 65 to 61 knots.

German destroyer Felix Schultz, Tier IX:

  • Torpedoes replaced with ones similar to the base torpedoes of Gaede:
    • Torpedo range reduced from 8 to 7.5 km;
    • Torpedo speed reduced from 65 to 62 knots.

X Austin:

  • The angle at which the check for ricochets is made for SAP shells has been increased from 60 to 65 degrees.

VII Francesco Caracciolo:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 30 to 33 s.

VIII Vittorio Veneto:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 33 to 34 s.

IX Lepanto:

  • Main battery reload time increased from 35 to 37 s.


We are ready to announce the details of the second Ranked season.

Second season

From February 17 to May 12, a second season of Ranked Battles will be held.

  • 7 vs 7
  • Tiers VIII-IX in the Bronze League
  • Tiers IX-X in the Silver League
  • Tier X in the Gold League.
Main changes in comparison with the first (test) season:
  • The duration of the season and the amount of earnable steel and doubloons were doubled.
  • The number of stars required to reach Rank 1 and qualify was, on average, multiplied by 1,5.
Now it will be easier to see the remaining time until the beginning of the next Sprint: it will be displayed in the tooltip over the next League.
We’ll share detailed information about planned changes and improvements for future seasons once we are ready to.
Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing. Source: WoWS Devblog