WoT: “Ensk” Map Expansion Coming in Update 1.28.1

The “Big Ensk” map will be introduced in the upcoming Update 1.28.1 after several iterations of Supertest. The map’s size will be increased from 600 meters to 1000 meters, with new playable zones added, particularly in the green field area.
This is a completely logical improvement and the first major project by the map designers (not counting minor map tweaks) in the past two calendar years!
Could this mean we might see brand new maps in the future as well? We NEED new maps.
Now, only “Mines” remains to be reworked.


The first test of “Big Ensk” took place back in 2014 on the Supertest. At that time, the map was expanded to a massive 2000×2000 meters ( Video Link ). That test was more of a prototype rather than a full-fledged test.
Ultimately, these changes sparked active discussions on forums (LiveJournal), but development stalled afterwards.

In May 2023, the developers revisited the idea of expanding Ensk, this time increasing it to 1000 meters, and conducted the first such test on Supertest ( Video Link ). Since then, the map has been gradually refined.

The most recent and final test of the map was conducted on Supertest in January 2025, presenting it as an almost finished version.

Comparison and Details:

For comparison, we’ve included the minimap of:

  • The current standard Ensk,

  • The 2023 Supertest iteration,

  • And the final version coming in patch 1.28.1.

Map Details:

  • Technical Name: 06_ensk_big (Big Ensk)

  • Battle Modes: Standard, Encounter Battle

  • Size: 1000×1000 meters

  • Map Type: Summer

  • Setting: An expanded Ensk with additional areas beyond the railway tracks

21 thoughts on “WoT: “Ensk” Map Expansion Coming in Update 1.28.1

  1. Very interesting. Now the question is: will it be a separate map or will it replace the current Ensk?
    It would be good to keep the current Ensk for lower tiers (maximum Tier 3 and beginners) while the new Big Ensk is for everyone else
    What do you think? Am I an idiot? Should I delete the account? Please respond im fucking alone. I havent touched the grass since 2020

    1. I like the current version of the map, but i think that the expanded version should be for tier 6 or 7-10 and the normal version be for tier 1-8.

    2. the idea is good, but on the other hand it will create confusion for newbies (someone please joke that there are no newbies in this game)

    3. That would be fine with me. But if so, then add Abbey and Mines straight away. These maps shouldn’t see Tier 7 to 10 at all.

  2. Look at all those bushes at the very back of the map ?? I hope the ridge lines are well down, because once you win the heavy side, I hope you can dig those TDs out.
    I’d rather not Ensk to become like Highway or Malinovka, where you can’t make any pressure because of all the many camping TDs.

  3. Ensk can only get better. Worse is impossible. The only thing missing now is the revision of the Paris, Berlin, Ruinberg, Fishermans Bay, Fjords, Highway, Mines, Cliff, Studzianki, Steppes, Lakeville, Airfield, Mannerheim Line, Erlenberg, Glacier and Abbey maps. Have I forgotten anything? For sure… If the map revisions continue at this rate, I might not have a single map banned for the first time in 2045. I’m looking forward to it!

  4. Needless work, WG could solve the issue of Ensk, Mines, and even Mountain Pass by restricting them to max Tier 5 lobbies. In fact, they could’ve solved it years ago.

  5. Yeah. We need a NEW maps. Not fuc*ed old maps that somehow works. It happened with Himmelsdorf, now Ensk.

  6. Looks great! Looking forward to test it.
    (But we should keep the 600×600 aswell. Maybe, as someone wrote, only for tier I-VIII).

  7. oh so there are people working on this game? thought only the marketing department exists by now
    the map got bigger, but not better. spamming bushes next to caps are one of the most retarded ways you can design maps, but wg can always outdo themselves

    1. Nah it’s work outsourced to shitty Indian companies and the game changes are never implemented..

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