WoT: Command with Confidence – Crew System Improvement in Update 1.28

Update 1.28 brings enhancements to the crew system, introducing new flexibility and refining crew management. These changes create a more comfortable experience for all players.


Main Changes to the Crew Perk System

  • Enhanced Perks
  • Crew Mentoring Course
  • Auto-Return Crew Setting
    • Improved Filters
    • Buying and Applying Crew Books

Enhanced Perks

Some perks have been improved to provide greater benefits. These updates make perks more impactful in battle.

The Practicality perk now reduces consumable cooldown time by 15%, increasing to 30% with the Thorough Preparations directive.

The Reliable Placement perk boosts HE shell damage absorption by 15% and reduces fall damage by 30%.

Crew Mentoring Course

The new Mentoring License allows you to transfer all XP from one crew member to another. This process is irreversible—once XP is fully extracted, the donor crew member is dismissed. All crew members are eligible, including special event characters, and confirmation is required before proceeding. As a special gift with this release, each player will receive three Mentoring Licenses.

Auto-Return Crew Settings

Auto crew return automatically restores the last crew used in a vehicle if the corresponding toggle is enabled. Instead of assigning specific crews, it remembers the most recent crew and returns it when the vehicle is selected. This streamlines crew management and removes the need for manual transfers.

Improved Filters

Main filter selections will now be saved and remain even after you quit the game, ensuring a more seamless experience. This improvement only applies to main filters. Additional filters, such as those found in dropdown menus (e.g., nationality filters), will not be saved.

Buying Crew Books

Purchasing and using Crew Books is now faster. The mouse wheel can now be used to quickly select the number of Crew Books to buy or apply, streamlining the process. Additionally, the right-click menu for crew members has been standardized, ensuring the same commands are available in both the Garage and the crew training window.

Whether you’re a veteran commander or new to the battlefield, these updates will enhance your experience and provide more control over crew management.

Log in to explore the new features and refine your crew setups to gain the upper hand in battle!

Roll Out!

One thought on “WoT: Command with Confidence – Crew System Improvement in Update 1.28

  1. Come show me your hardcore feelings
    With your raving meanings
    Coz I don’t know the way to groove
    I’ve never learned to dance this fast
    And I don’t know how to move…….

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