WoT Bond Shop Update: Intense Styles, Tanks, and More!

A new Bond Shop update is here, and that means we’ve got amazing content to take your game to the next level at special bonds prices.

This time around we’ve got five fierce vehicles, six eye-popping 3D styles, and even more. Keep reading for the full list of new items you can find in the Bond Shop following the latest update.


Six vehicles have been added to the Bond Shop—five powerful Premium tanks and one formidable Reward TD nicknamed the “death star” by some, which lives up to its reputation with devastating firepower.

Item(s) Price in Bonds

A non-historical style that gives a +2% bonus to concealment on all map types.


3D Styles

These exclusive 3D styles are unique to their vehicles, giving them a look that will make you stand out on the battlefield!

Item(s) Price in Bonds

A historical style that gives a +2% bonus to concealment on all map types.

  • “Landkreuzer” 3D style for XMaus

A historical style that gives a +2% bonus to concealment on all map types.

  • “Saiga” 3D style for XST-II

A historical style that gives a +2% bonus to concealment on all map types.


A historical style that gives a +4% bonus to concealment on all map types.


A historical style that gives a +4% bonus to concealment on all map types.


A historical style that gives a +3% bonus to concealment on all map types.


What are you waiting for, Commanders? Put your bonds to good use today!

Roll Out!

2 thoughts on “WoT Bond Shop Update: Intense Styles, Tanks, and More!

  1. god forbid they put the fucking t95e6 in the bondshop.
    we really needed another toxic fucking td to be avaliable.

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