WOT Express: 4th Additional Chapter of the Battle Pass (Spring 2025)

(The screenshots show just an example)

According to our information, the next 4th chapter of the Special Battle Pass is planned as part of the Spring Battle Pass: Season 16. There will be a NEW premium tank and customization as part of the new collaboration between WoT PC and…

The tank may surprise you greatly.



10 thoughts on “WOT Express: 4th Additional Chapter of the Battle Pass (Spring 2025)

  1. here’s hoping it won’t be another disappointment like Rambo or Felice, both of which have been nerfed shortly before release

    1. If the premium tank will be for free (like 56TP was), it will 100% be nerfed to the ground before release. If it’s in the premium track (like T-832, Rambo, Felice, etc.), it might not get nerfed or will be nerfed just slightly.

      1. well rambo was not free and yet it’s been nerfed a lot before release, so i put very little hope in wg this time round

  2. “The tank may surprise you greatly.”

    I love when they write stuff like that. 🙂 It usually turns out to be a disappointment, still….

      1. Unfortunately with WoT, a disappointment is an expectation, and if you’re surprised by something expected then you didn’t really expect it

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