WoT RU: T-54D with “Pyrometer” Mechanic Arrives on Supertest

A new Tier X Soviet medium tank, T-54D, has arrived on Supertest with a new spotting mechanic called “Pyrometer.”

In short:

  • The mechanic helps detect enemy tanks that are fully concealed by bushes or partially hidden by buildings, rocks, etc.

How does it work?

  • When activated, a pyrometer coverage sector is enabled, temporarily increasing the view range within that sector.
  • For a certain period of time, the camouflage rating of enemy vehicles is ignored within the sector.
  • Players whose tanks fall within the pyrometer sector will see a special indicator with a timer counting down to their detection.
  • The number of pyrometer activations is limited.


  • The mechanic is not final and is currently in the testing phase.

8 thoughts on “WoT RU: T-54D with “Pyrometer” Mechanic Arrives on Supertest

  1. RU server becoming unrestricted because the devs can do whatever now, just random things getting added like flamethrower tanks and whatever THIS is. Not to mention Tier XI and XII implications

  2. While this would be cool if done right, it should not be 360 degrees around the user, it should decrease in effectiveness over a larger distance, and only work within like 30 meter wide line in a direction that you look in a chosen direction or something.

  3. It could be counter camping feature especialy against TD`s or evan`s if implement right way (rarely happend by WG, usually they screw it up).

  4. Dude tds are already doing so poorly . Map changes , field mods and crew changes buffing CVs and view range . Every medium can play as a scout. HE and intuition changes have nerfed paper tanks . A ton of soft cover was removed from maps along with tons of blocked off long range shots. Like 4 or 5 good light and td maps left . Come on now this is killing a whole class of tanks . Also not good for any paper tanks that rely on camo. We got 0 perks in crew 2.0 to help camo . There was 3 they were all removed before release . I pray this never sees light on Eu/Na.

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