5 thoughts on “Project CW: BAT-4M (Ember) Gameplay – 5×5 Domination, Map: Scarred City

  1. this game is so painfully boring… there already is an Armored Warfare and a Fortnite.

    Players: Make Frontline permanent and for more tiers, please!
    WG: We need a bigger toilet to flush all of our money away as fast as possible! Let’s copy the hero system that made Battlefront shitty!

    1. hey retard you do know wot is in decline right?? shit maps and it failed to capture new players during covid when every game gained new player

      dont publicly display your stupidity

      1. Your dear mother, god rest her soul, kept saying the same thing about you. “My little girl is in decline, she keeps out-retarding the dumbest f*cks ever day by day. It must be the goondam family inbreeding that caused this.”

        I know this might be a new concept for you, but you can’t fix a less than perfect game by creating something purely retarded like Project WC. It’s like when your mother said to your father, “let’s create something retarded, big brother – take me now!”
        And poof… little goondam jumped out of her derriere just 7 months later (he couldn’t have waited 2 more months to mongo out into the world).

        And that’s the story of how goodnam became the double-retard that we see here today. Let this be a lesson to all of you. You cannot out-mongo the mongoondam.

        1. damn bro you sure know a lot about inbreeding, must be generational defects lol

          not my fault you’re too damn stupid to play project cw, guess you’re only able to play hull down corridor maps. the wot brain rot is destroyed whatever was left of your small mind.

          again dipshit this game ain’t for you, enjoy your wot slop from wg, where you get cucked by them for a 350 euro tank just like your neighbor cucks when he visits the wife.

          chems makes videoes about wot and how trash it is, maybe you should watch them before chimping out like the mentally disabled kid you are

          man with all these problems, maybe you should rope yourself faggot.

          1. sorry, didn’t read any of that, but I’m sure it’s an awesome comeback.

            You can now go back playing your pre-ordered ultimate edition of Avowed and its spin-off Project WC.

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