MBT-B (USA, Tier-10, HT, Promotional, Mechanics: 6-Round Drum, 3-Round Magazine)
Changes relative to the 6th iteration of the Supertest.
• Reload time of entire magazine: Increased from 33.56 to 43.14 seconds.
• Rate of fire: Reduced from 8.56 to 6.97 rounds/min.
• Aiming time: Increased from 2.40 to 2.59 seconds.
• Dispersion after shot: Increased from 2.50 to 3.50.
• Average damage per minute (AP): Reduced from 3,424 to 2,788.
• Average damage per minute (APCR): Reduced from 3,424 to 2,788.
• Average damage per minute (HE): Reduced from 4,408 to 3,590.
If any WG employee is reading this, for the love of God DO NOT give us this enormous shit in assembly store… The gun mechanic is just awful and makes me sad… Give us DBV-152 please.
DBV will be in Assembly 100%!
This tank has gone from good to a pile of trash
People wanted another OP monster like Concept 1B, lmao.
Keep crying, shows ya all could not care less about game health, you just want OP tanks.
What are you genuinely babbling about, before they removed the armour this was a classic old style balanced tank, it had significant armour but it constantly presented a big weak spot (no micro turret ring or cupola, a big chunk of flat armour). And now, it is a sad af “drive up beside you, clip you for 2.4K damage in 8.5 seconds and speed off at 55 kph laughing” cancer tank.
I wonder which is better for the game health – wake tf up.
A weakspot only gold ammo could pen, yes such an “old style balanced tank”.
In its current state MBT-B is a T57 Heavy sidegrade. The clip potential is toxic but the clip reload is harsh and the tank has no armor (to balance the speed). Rather than a better Concept 1B it will be a glass cannon, think AMX-50B.
Its still very good now before it was broken these people are just brain dead fools. Glad to see someone with a brain.
Stll an char mle tier X😅
So…. after more than 1 year of work, now this tank has no armor, no dpm, no accuracy. The players who buy this what became for the money what they spend? A target board 3d style?
Bro if they kept the last stats it would be Foch b but way better. It would make the Foch be useless and in my opinion it still better than a Foch b. This tank has a turret, faster, empty clips faster and better view range. And people have the nerve to complain when wargaming doesn’t wanna put out an OP tank.
“Changes relative to the 6th iteration of the Supertest”🤣🤣🤣🤣 6th☝🏻