WoT 1.28 Common Test: KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK Changes

KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK (Germany, Tier-9, TD, Special Mechanics: Hydropneumatic Suspension Activated by Button)
Changes relative to the 1.27.1 base.
Reload time: Reduced from 6.52 to 6.23 seconds.
Rate of fire: Increased from 9.20 to 9.63 rounds/min.
Dispersion from movement: Reduced from 0.12 (7.80) to 0.06 (3.90).
Dispersion from hull traverse: Reduced from 0.12 (3.50) to 0.06 (1.75).
Dispersion from gun traverse: Reduced from 0.10 (1.67) to 0.05 (0.83).

Average damage per minute (APCR): Increased from 3,313 to 3,466.
Average damage per minute (HEAT): Increased from 3,313 to 3,466.
Average damage per minute (HE): Increased from 4,233 to 4,429.
Reload time in siege mode: Reduced from 9.11 to 8.25 seconds.
Rate of fire in siege mode: Increased from 6.59 to 7.28 rounds/min.
Average damage per minute (APCR) in siege mode: Increased from 2,371 to 2,620.
Average damage per minute (HEAT) in siege mode: Increased from 2,371 to 2,620.
Average damage per minute (HE) in siege mode: Increased from 3,030 to 3,347.

Tank durability: Increased from 1,450 HP to 1,700 HP.

Tank repair cost: Increased from 14,500 to 17,000 credits.
Time to switch to siege mode: Reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
Time to switch to travel mode: Reduced from 3.00 to 2.00 seconds.

3 thoughts on “WoT 1.28 Common Test: KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK Changes

    1. Minor confusion… Didn’t you just post asking why people wouldn’t just play tier 9 prems instead of reward tanks? You just proved yourself wrong. We all like unique platforms such as this one. (Relatively, I know quite a few people hated this one.)

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