WoT 1.27.1_4: DBV-152 Changes

DBV-152 (🇨🇿Czechoslovakia, Tier-10, TD, promotional). Changes relative to the base 1.27.1

  • Gun loading: Improved from 19.27 to 19.65 seconds.
  • Cannon rate of fire: Reduced from 3.11 to 3.05 rounds per minute.
  • Aiming time: Improved from 1.73 to 1.53 seconds.
  • Accuracy at 100 m: Improved from 0.33 to 0.31.

  • Dispersion from movement: Increased from 0.30 (15.00) to 0.30 (15.60).
  • Dispersion from hull traverse: Improved from 0.30 (9.39) to 0.30 (8.76).
  • Dispersion from turret traverse: Increased from 0.16 (2.67) to 0.30 (5.63).
  • Armor penetration of 1 (AP) projectile: Increased from 275 mm to 281 mm.
  • Armor penetration of 2 (HEAT) projectiles: Increased from 325 mm to 330 mm.
  • Damage 1 (AP) projectile: Increased from 770 to 800.
  • Damage 2 (HEAT) projectile: Increased from 770 to 800.
  • Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) projectile: Increased from 2,397 to 2,442.
  • Average damage per minute 2 (HEAT) projectile: Increased from 2,397 to 2,442.
  • Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: Reduced from 3,051 to 2,992.


  • Tank durability/HP: Reduced from 1,800 to 1,750.


  • Max forward speed: Increased from 50 km/h to 52 km/h.
  • Engine power: Reduced from 750 to 700 hp.
  • Specific power: Reduced from 22.06 to 20.59 hp/t.
  • Turret traverse speed: Increased from 16.69 to 18.77 deg/s.
  • Hull traverse speed: Reduced from 31.29 to 29.20 deg/s.


  • View range: Reduced from 390 to 370 m.


  • Tank repair cost: Reduced from 21,600 to 21,000 credits.

13 thoughts on “WoT 1.27.1_4: DBV-152 Changes

      1. Dispersion from turret traverse: Increased from 0.16 (2.67) to 0.30 (5.63).
        Pass the shit…not worth 1mil.xp👎🏻

  1. So this tank got nerfed slightly. Understandable.
    It was too flexible.

    Now the gun is not nearly as snappy but the faster aim speed makes it still feel decent enough.
    Slower acceleration/turn speed for better accuracy, higher alpha, higher pen.

    Still a better Grille 15. Although I prefer the previous version.
    Trading that much flexibility for 30 alpha & a touch better accuracy is not worth it.

    1. Agree, in addition to 2nd best stationary camo rating for a td – with a 360 turret + rear mounted.

  2. Better aim time, better accuracy, better alpha, better pen, better DPM, mobility juggled around but essentially the same, some changes to dispersion to stop it being a dumb af “corner snapper”, only real hurt is the view range being smacked down but otherwise an improvement to an already very good tank, looking forward to dumping useless fragments on it.

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