WoT Supertest: Airfield Map Changes

We continue to refine the Airfield map. In the current state of the prototype, you can already see a more detailed environment, though the artwork is still in progress. The key new features that impact the gameplay are the huge cave, which provides ample opportunities for slow vehicles, and the redesigned dunes direction with lots of positions and chances for versatile maneuverable play.

The new cave is an isolated playground for heavy tanks, safe from long-range fire by arty and TDs.
Light tanks and maneuverable mediums can shine in the dunes, using various positions in the sands or along the shore.
The number of ambush positions near the red line has been reduced, and pushing the main directions will be easier.
New large areas have been added, located between the dunes, on the island near the shore, and alongside the rocks above the cave. With these, light tanks will be able to make a larger impact on the battle. Also, the red line has been moved southwards by about 100 m.


The main point for clashes between maneuverable vehicles. A wide variety of hull-down and side-scrapping positions at different distances help make gameplay versatile here.

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The main direction for heavy vehicles has two sub-directions: the cave and the hillock behind it.

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Remote TD positions help stem enemy advances, give limited base control, and make it possible to deter rapid attacks.

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Along the center vertical line of the map, more positions have been added, and new opportunities have been created for fast vehicles

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10 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Airfield Map Changes

  1. Please just release this as a separate map OR extend the current map by adding these features.
    But don’t just delete one of your less retarded maps. Delete Berlin, Ensk,
    Fjords, Mines or Widepark first.
    And Tundra. F*ck Tundra and hang its designer.

    1. Are you drunk? Mines and Ensk are great maps! Berlin is the best looking map together with Paris, and Widepark is a great map to learn the game for rookies. Fjords and Tundra are more mehh…. for my taste, but still very playable.

      1. Had too many high tier games on these maps over the years. These maps should be limited to tier 6. Fjords and Tundra should just go.

        But that’s just my worthless, drunk opinion 😉

  2. This confirms that RU kept the wot developers and EU were left with the wot marketing team 🤡

  3. Yes, more corridor maps. Just what WoT needs.

    I am for a widening towards the seaside though. But in this proposal it looks like if you choose to go to the “island”, you’re stuck on the “island”. One of the great perks of this map today is that you can really move around and relocate.

  4. The one place where arty is needed the most (heavy brawl alley in the middle of the map) is becoming completely arty-safe. I suppose it’s so heavy tanks cannot play without premium ammo spam, there’s no way this company changes anything if it doesn’t lead to financial gain.

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