*For EU type price, price and quantity may differ.
• Lot: 1 Order Form of the Long-Awaited Backup campaign order and 1 Order Form of the Second Front Campaign
• Type: Open auction (competitive bid shown)
• Price (gold): minimum price: 4,000 gold
• Quantity: 50,000 pcs.
Hope Eu gets the same, so a lot of bots can enjoy their 279
This is a server not cn
*This is on asia server not cn
Can someone explain what this is?
What do you mean by asian server? We don’t get this offer yet. It’s CN server specific only for Chinese people
Sounds racist
Oh maybe for both though
bruh, worthless – i already have both tanks, i hope this won’t be the lot on EU
I hope it won’t be this lot on EU…
WG needs a big fat financial audit, no fair play, pay to win, open your wallet wide enough if you are not a whore you can became one, illegal mods, suiciding tanks – this chat is censored heavily so i don’t doubt WG is safe in here
WG needs a big fat financial audit, no fair play, pay to win, open your wallet wide enough if you are not a whore you can became one, illegal mods, suiciding tanks – this chat is censored heavily so i don’t doubt WG is safe in here