WoT NA: First lot of the 2025 Winter Auction – “Phönix”


• Lot Tank: “Phönix” WT E 100
• Type: Price-reducing auction
• Price (Gold): Starting price: 100,000 gold
• Quantity: 800 pcs.

A variant of large-caliber anti-aircraft guns mounted on the E 100 chassis. 128 mm gun with a magazine loading system was planned for use. Project development was halted with the end of World War II.

16 thoughts on “WoT NA: First lot of the 2025 Winter Auction – “Phönix”

    1. The very fact that you are angry proves to me that WG outsmarted you. This is an overrated and overhyped tank I have ever seen. The fact that people bought this for such an insane amount shows to me how dumb people are.

      1. imagine calling people who actually can spend 500$ on a tank, dumb. Just to make yourself feel better for not having the expandable income for it. Might work harder in MacDonalds I guess.

        1. Imagine idolizing retards who have more money than sense, it takes just one moron to piss away several generations of wealth. There’s a reason why you aren’t actually rich yourself and it has nothing to do with not having a mcjob with extra 500 dollars to spend.

          1. There is a level of wealth which can give you absolute contemptment. Anything above that is a mental problem.

              1. I can afford this, but I’ll never spend $500 on a pixel tank. Then again I’m not angry at those who bought it because I don’t care for it. I might have been angry at those who bought it if I really really wanted to buy it but couldn’t afford it. At the end It’s all about how much you value something.

              2. hey dumbie. you want to measure internet dicks.. lets go europoor. just ordered a 2025 escalade (137k OTD) to replace my 2022 suburban (76k OTD), which ill be keeping as its already paid off. do you want to still talk to me about why i didnt give this shitty company 400$ for a pixel tank i played for free 10 years ago when it was actually good (meta and other tanks)… nah stupid kids always trying to flex. shut up and go take the bus europoor

                literal monkeys

  1. I bought it,iam retard ok but its fun tank,anyway they selling something that was achiavable to get for free in 2013/2014 and its even nerfed (weakened lower hull) for 100k gold and they knew what they doing when thay set it to only 3000 pcs amount its crazy and we who bought it are dumbfucks

  2. I feel like they should have just gave the tank to the players who had and owned it before instead of making them pay 100k gold just to get a tank back that they played a long time ago

  3. At least now, the precedent has been set. The Waffle is back in the game. It’ll be back again, because the way they made it available this time excluded a lot of players. It might not have the exclusive name, but now WG can periodically make it available again at a more reasonable price for the rest of us schlubs, just like the Qilin, 59G, Monkey King, and other exclusive tanks are brought back now and then. In a way, this is reminiscent of the debacle with that (admittedly-awful) Russian tank they initially made available through the Xmas slot machine. I agree that players who lost this tank in exchange for the more-boring Grille 15 should be given the opportunity to exchange back (not everyone will; the Grille isn’t *horrible*). As well, now we will almost certainly see, at some point, a 3D skin for the Waffle so we can make it look like the Blitztrager (or maybe a prototype version minus the shield, anyway). I’m disappointed that I missed the chance, as I only had 80k gold on hand, but it’ll be back.

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