M103M (USA, Tier-9, HT, premium). Changes relative to the 1.27 base.
A lot of vehicles are being prepared for future events.
They all underwent similar changes – in specific parameters of the cost of shells, the strength of modules, and the communication range.
- Aiming time: from 1.73 to 2.11 sec
- Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.34 to 0.36
- Dispersion from movement (max): from 0.14 (4.76) to 0.22 (7.48)
- Dispersion from hull traverse (max): from 0.14 (3.94) to 0.22 (6.20)
- Dispersion from turret traverse (max): from 0.06 (1.63) to 0.10 (2.71)
- Cost of 1 (APCR) shell: from 1,030 to 856 credits
- Cost of 2 (HEAT) shells: from 4,800 to 4,000 credits
- Cost of 3 (HE) shells: from 825 to 450 credits
- Chassis repair time: from 12.03 to 11.70 sec
- Durability of the ammo rack (after repair): from 260 (180) to 230 (173)
- Engine strength (after repair): from 260 (130) to 310 (155)
- Triplex strength (after repair): from 100 (49) to 110 (55)
- Strength of the turret rotation mechanism (after repair): from 120 (74) to 170 (85)
- Radio durability (after repair): from 200 (150) to 210 (105)
- Engine power: from 950 to 900 hp
- Specific power: from 17.20 to 16.30 hp/t
- Communication range: from 745.00 to 670.00 m
- Cost of module repair: from 5,704 to 10,440 credits
I’ll bet money on these being in Chinese New Year loot boxes at the end of January
atm the leaks want it to be a new marathon reward tank connected to a colab via battle pass
I was more referring to all the recent test tanks, not just this one.
2 new premiums will also go in the auction, along with DBV.
So wait… it became worse then the normal M103? Wasn’t this supposed to be like the T832? A similar tank that sacrifices DPM for better gunhandling?
this one traded off alpha and penetration on HEAT, for more DPM and better handling. now it only has better DPM, that’ll be useless because you’ll miss more. ATP, just play the TT one
oh well, now it looks more like a forgettable marathon tank
Wow!!!!! This just became an ultra dog shit tank!
Best way to balance tank is to f*ck the gunhandling. It seems like good tank before they trashed it.