The Update 1.27.1 Common Test has begun! You can explore a new line of British twin-barreled heavies and five rebalanced branches, various changes to Onslaught, the new Battle Rating function, and more.
All features in the Common Test are currently in active development. Any values, rewards, technical characteristics, and other feature settings relevant to the Common Test are not final and may not correspond to those in the release version.
New British Twin-Barreled Heavies

The key feature of the new British line is the Selective Fire Modes mechanic.
- In the Single Fire mode, the new tanks behave like traditional British heavies with cyclic loading, featuring good accuracy and aiming time. The barrels fire alternately. To fire from one barrel, you need both to be loaded.
- The Salvo Fire mode offers double damage and improved stabilization at the cost of mobility, accuracy, turret traverse speed, and aiming time. It is best used in brawls to finish off opponents or trade HP. Unlike Soviet double-barreled heavies, British twin-barreled heavies do not require extra time to prepare a salvo and do not have the reload blocked afterward.
- Switching between modes is easy: Just press X anytime. Reloading won’t be reset or even paused (so regardless of the firing mode the DPM will stay the same), and the tank’s mobility will not be affected by the process.
The new British heavy line branches out from the VI
Churchill VII and consists of the FV224 Chopper at Tier VII, the FV227 Conceiver at Tier VIII, the FV229 Contender at Tier IX, and the FV230 Canopener at Tier X. All four tanks have the new Selective Fire Modes mechanic and similar composition. These are menacing, hulking juggernauts with well-protected front and sides. The twin-barreled giants have decent mobility for their weight. British to the core, they all have good gun depression. The two cherries on top are muzzle caps which open before you fire a single shot or a salvo.
Vehicle Rebalancing: Another Step
We continue to update the characteristics of various vehicles to make them more competitive so the game can offer even more choice to players. In Update 1.27.1, we are reviewing:
- Four vehicle branches up to Tier X, plus mid-tier vehicles in one branch
- The logic of researching vehicle modules in these branches
- Vehicle stock configurations in these branches
A detailed article on the changes will follow.
Stat Adjustments
Here is a brief outline of what will happen to five heavy tank branches.
E 100 branch: Increased frontal turret protection and rotation speed, improved penetration with standard shells, and (depending on the vehicle) more.
Type 71 branch: Significant boosts to top forward and reverse speeds, improved frontal hull protection, lower gun dispersion, and (depending on the vehicle) changes to other stats.
M-V-Y branch: Better gun handling, DPM, and penetration, plus (depending on the vehicle) other improvements.
60TP Lewandowskiego branch: DPM, HP pool, and accuracy slightly trimmed for the currently overperforming top-tier tank; dispersion, DPM, and aiming time improved for its predecessors in the branch.
Maus branch (Tiers V–VII only): Three mid-tier tanks in the Maus branch will have some of their stats increased; researching the branch will become more convenient.
Head to the Common Test Patch Notes to find the changes for all rebalanced vehicles.
Tank Tree Module Reworking
For every branch (or part of a branch) affected, the number of vehicle modules will be decreased, and module upgrade paths will be streamlined.
All removed modules will be moved to the Depot, where you can either sell them or mount them on different vehicles. Modules entirely removed from the game will be replaced by their counterparts (if mounted on a vehicle) or compensated for in credits (if they are in the Depot).
Enhanced Stock Configurations
To make playing tanks and researching branches more convenient, the efficiency of stock configurations across the rebalanced branches (or branch parts) will be increased, with some outdated stock modules replaced with new ones with improved characteristics.
Onslaught Improvements
The Onslaught mode will soon return with the Season of the Crimson Manticore, the second of three in the Year of the Manticore, which has fabulous rewards (the best players will receive the X
Stinger , a special tank with the stats of the T57 Heavy Tank and a unique exterior). The Crimson Manticore brings several changes and quality-of-life improvements to Onslaught:
- Weekly missions no longer expire and can be completed throughout the entire Season. You can track active mission progress via a widget in the Garage and choose any improved equipment as a reward.
- The number of players in the Legend rank will increase from 10% to 15%, making it easier to obtain.
- Platoon requirements will be eased for players of high ranks, to a one rank difference for two-player Platoons and to a two rank difference for seven-player Platoons (Super Platoons).
- During the pre-battle countdown and from the start of the battle, you will be able to see the nicknames and ranks of the players on the opposing team (but not their vehicles).
- A number of Role Skills will receive balancing adjustments.
- Onslaught will feature two more maps (Prokhorovka and Tundra), and the Redshire map will be phased out of the mode.
Battle Rating
Since we are eager to learn about how you perceive your gameplay experience, we are introducing an instrument allowing you to evaluate it: Battle Rating. At the end of Random Battles, or while you are in spectator mode after your vehicle has been destroyed, or on the post-battle screen, you will be able to evaluate your experience in the battle with a thumbs-up (better than usual), a thumbs-down (worse than usual), or thumbs-level (same as usual)—or skip the rating altogether.
Frontline: A New Launch
Frontline will return after Update 1.27.1 with its signature 30v30 battles on colossal maps. The rules, including the familiar dynamic battle scenarios system, will not change from the last launch.
During the Common Test, bots may be used to speed up team formation.
How to Join the World of Tanks Common Test
The Common Test offers a sneak peek at the upcoming game version before its official release. We’re eager to hear your initial thoughts on the upcoming features, new game modes, vehicles, game changes, and more. This way, we can understand how the community feels about the next update and catch issues ahead of time.
Quick Start Guide
- Requirements: Ensure you have the Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test client, and an active World of Tanks account. Your live account progress was cloned to the Common Test server on December 16, 2024 at 23:00 (CET) and won’t include changes made after this date.
- Install the Test Client:
- Run the installer and select a different folder from your main game files.
- Choose the test client in the WGC dropdown menu.
- Dive In: Test new features with increased resources. Your feedback is invaluable!
For more details, visit the Game Center guide.
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Join the Common Test and share your thoughts on the new features, Commanders!
actually common test downloaded yesterday.
Reduction of modules will make getting to higher teirs even quicker 😣