WoT RU: Balance Changes to Premium and Promotional Tanks (T95/FV4201 Chieftain, 116-F3…)

After studying the feedback from players, we decided to rework  the T95/FV4201 Chieftain. The tank will become more mobile and fire faster, but will require more aggressive play and getting closer to the enemy. 

According to our observations and community feedback,  the 116-F3  has not yet found its niche. Therefore, a decision was made to more radically rework this vehicle. The tank’s shooting mechanics were changed to cyclic, and its role was changed to assault.

Tier X T95/FV4201 Chieftain

Was It became
Gun elevation angles -10/+20 degrees. -8/+20 degrees.
Turning speed of the chassis 28 deg/s 36 deg/s
Accuracy at 100 m 0.35 m 0.37 m
Gun reload time 12 c 10.5 sec
View Range 410 m 400 m
Turret rotation speed 30 deg/s 36 deg/s
Hull armor 127 mm 114 mm
Armor penetration of APCR 311 mm 319 mm
Maximum forward speed 40 km/h 46 km/h
Strength 2200 HP 2400 HP
Tier IX T 55A
Was It became
Armor penetration 221/330/50 mm 241/330/50 mm
Gun elevation angles -5/+14 degrees. -7/+14 degrees

Tier X 116-F3

Was It became
Accuracy at 100 m 0.4 m 0.35 m
Gun reload time 27 s 13 s
Gun aiming time 2.6 s 3 s
Hull armor 177 mm 195 mm
Maximum reverse speed 20 km/h 16 km/h
Strength 2100 HP 2500 HP
The drum has been removed, now the gun is cyclical, a rammer can be installed.
Changed role from breakthrough tank to assault tank.
The spread of the gun due to chassis movement has been increased by 20%.
The spread of the gun when turning the chassis has been increased by 20%.

Tier VIII Löwe

Was It became
Gun reload time 12 c 10 s
Upper frontal plate (UFP) armor 150 mm 180 mm


Was It became
Gun reload time 7.5 sec 6.5 sec
Accuracy at 100 m 0.35 m 0.33 m
Armor penetration of the gun 212/275/45 mm 226/275/45 mm
Tier X Lion
Was It became
Gun aiming time 2.7 sec 2.4 sec
Maximum reverse speed 15 km/h 18 km/h
The spread of the gun due to chassis movement has been reduced by 15%.
The spread of the gun when turning the chassis has been reduced by 15%.
Tier X M60
Was It became
Maximum forward speed 60 km/h 63 km/h
Engine power 950 hp 1050 hp
The spread of the gun due to chassis movement has been reduced by 20%.
The spread of the gun when turning the chassis has been reduced by 20%.

Tier VIII Panzer 58

Was It became
Damage caused by the Pzgr 39/48 shell of the 9 cm Kanone gun 250 280 dmg
Damage caused by the Pzgr 40/48 shell of the 9 cm Kanone gun 250 280 dmg
Damage caused by the Sprgr 48 shell of the 9 cm Kanone gun 330 370 dmg
These changes are also relevant for the Schwarzpanzer 58, Panzer 58 FL and Panzer 58 Mutz vehicles.

4 thoughts on “WoT RU: Balance Changes to Premium and Promotional Tanks (T95/FV4201 Chieftain, 116-F3…)

  1. Like… Just wow Lesta… Dont care about chief, but that tier 8s, Lion, M60 and T55A:) Just what they need to buff…

    1. Lesta going over the heads and out of control when changing up tanks..are those same users on comments praises their non sense

  2. Dude I love the 116 bc of its gun handling and auto loader . Glad a play on NA . May these changes never come to NA.

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