WOT Express: Battle Pass Season 16 and 2025 Annual Rewards

The launch is expected as usual in March 2025. The theme of the BP itself is unknown, but it will definitely be 3D styles for lvl 10. When asked what tens it will be, the answer was from WG: “You have been waiting for these machines for a long time, a long time!”
There will also be some minor changes in the BP itself, perhaps something will change in the rewards.

We already know the new tanks for 2025 tokens.
These are 2 tanks:

  1. ERAC 105 Proto (France, Tier-9, LT, promotional)
  2. ??

16 thoughts on “WOT Express: Battle Pass Season 16 and 2025 Annual Rewards

  1. “You have been waiting for these machines for a long time, a long time!” I guess these would be WZ-113G FT, Rhm Pzw (finally) and WZ-132-1 (I can’t think of any old tier Xs with no 3D style) Oh, the Collector’s Xs are there (T-62A, AMX 30B and 113), but I doubt WG would ever do anything about them.

    Also, Ho-Ri 3 and 2024’s tier Xs are missing a style but they are quite new.

    1. I’d like to have something fancy on my FV215b 183 to be frank. But not the usual BP shennanigans. Give me something that is in par with the Thunderchild of the FV4005 Stage II.

  2. We know the tanks. They are two: ERAC and ???

    I’ve used the ??? and is average: ??? pen with apcr and ???mm frontal armour.

    1. The 2nd BP tank should be Obj. 265T – Soviet HT with a rear mounted turret and a reverse autoreloader. It is the only tier 9 (other than ERAC) that currently has the “Promotional” and not “Premium” status.

        1. Of recent times, yes. But you can’t deny that Char Futur is hella unique, same as Kunze, K-91PT, Cobra, KPz 3 Pr 07 (although it’s trash)

          1. char wasn’t introduced as a BP tank, it was the reward for frontline progression along with AE, but it’s good that it’s a BP tank now. kunze is interesting and one of my fav t9 meds; k91pt is not it imo, not a great sniper, nor a great brawler.. a tank with identity crisis; cobra is dope yeah, kpz is a TD kunze but has none of the interesting parts lol.

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