WoT Supertest: 5th Iteration of MBT-B Changes

MBT-B (USA, Tier-10, HT, promotional, mechanics: 6-round drum, 3-round magazine). Changes relative to the 4th iteration of the supertest.
Now, although the DPM has increased, the tank has been given another mechanic. This mechanic is currently present in the Char Mle. 75.
• Shells in drum: 6
• Fires 2 projectiles with one press of the button, with a 0.25 sec cooldown between projectiles.
• Magazine capacity: 3 clicks of 2 shells and 3.0 sec reload time between clicks.
• Thus, 2,400 average damage can be produced from the drum.


  • Reload time of entire magazine: from 43.14 to 38.35
  • Reload time inside the clip: from 2.50 to 3.00
  • Reload time inside queue: from -60.00 to 0.25
  • Number of shells in a queue: from -1 to 2
  • Cannon rate of fire: from 6.47 to 7.98
  • Spread after shot: from 3.00 to 2.00
  • Ammunition: from 50 to 60
  • Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 2,588 to 3,193
  • Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) projectile: from 2,588 to 3,193
  • Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 3,332 to 4,111

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