WoT Supertest: 5th Iteration of MBT-B Changes

MBT-B (USA, Tier-10, HT, promotional, mechanics: 6-round drum, 3-round magazine). Changes relative to the 4th iteration of the supertest.
Now, although the DPM has increased, the tank has been given another mechanic. This mechanic is currently present in the Char Mle. 75.
• Shells in drum: 6
• Fires 2 projectiles with one press of the button, with a 0.25 sec cooldown between projectiles.
• Magazine capacity: 3 clicks of 2 shells and 3.0 sec reload time between clicks.
• Thus, 2,400 average damage can be produced from the drum.


  • Reload time of entire magazine: from 43.14 to 38.35
  • Reload time inside the clip: from 2.50 to 3.00
  • Reload time inside queue: from -60.00 to 0.25
  • Number of shells in a queue: from -1 to 2
  • Cannon rate of fire: from 6.47 to 7.98
  • Spread after shot: from 3.00 to 2.00
  • Ammunition: from 50 to 60
  • Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) shell: from 2,588 to 3,193
  • Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) projectile: from 2,588 to 3,193
  • Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 3,332 to 4,111

10 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: 5th Iteration of MBT-B Changes

  1. The hell is going on with this thing, from hulldown god, to all armour gutted in a weird HT version of a lion, now to a HT version of a tier 3 gun mechanic (the multi-shot per click in a drum is very common at low tiers). All in the space of a week, either they want to keep dataminers guessing and it’s actually just the original (seems most likely) or they simply don’t have a clue what they’re doing.

    1. This reminds me of Char Mle 75. They are trying to make it unique and interesting enough so that people would want to get it. As we all know, Assembly Shop and an Auction are coming, so MBT-B (and DBV-152, Cz tier 10 TD) will be the rewards for these 2 events. And of course WG need to make hte rewards really sought after by the community.

  2. What the fuck is happening?
    Now this thing got a clip of 800×3 but it halves the alpha at mid-long range???

    Reload decrease is good but it became an even more awkward tank.
    No armor + still long reload but it needs to fight at close range to maximize its firepower?

    Whoever’s behind these changes is just stupid.
    Anyone with a bit of experience doesn’t need to test it to understand how it will work.
    What’s the point of these changes?

    1. I like tanks with high potential yet which are very challanging to play right…AMX 50B comes to my mind, love and hate kind of tank. MBT is similar in this regard….in this stage it has extremely dangerous potential yet you have to always check yourself whethere you are overextending your position or not.

      I say make this tank unique and make it insufferable if its played without brain. I m all for this.

      1. 100% agree with you! The game is flooded with HTs that are ultra low skill-cap. Adding a HT that has very high potential, but gets punished brutaly for mistakes, is a good concept! I’m all for this! In fact, I’d go as far as to say that such an idea can be developed as a new tech tree branch.

  3. Ok, let’s assume this will be the assembly shop tank – the original, a hull down beast with a simple single shot and an actual weak spot (remember when tanks were designed well) – yes, absolutely that I’d go for, can go with my kpz 07P, same idea.
    The other versions where it’s stripped away effectively all the armour, one version had an autoreloader, one an autoloader, then now a janked autoloader with a double shot mechanic… It’s changing so frequently that I’m starting to suspect it’s just to keep people guessing what state it’ll actually be in when it hits the assembly shop and is going to go through every gun mechanic in the game at this rate. A dangerous AMX 50B style of tank can obviously work but where they stop will make or break it for me, reloader and autoloader I was happy with, but this double shot nonsense means it will play like a cobra, in that it’s near unplayable outside of being very close to the enemy, and not all maps support that kind of playstyle and you’re not able to contribute well (granted the maps that do allow it, this will be an absolute menace, much like a cobra).

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