Legendary Attachments feature special visual and/or sound effects that activate either during the countdown before the battle starts or in battle through specific triggers.
Note: Not all tanks can use 3D Attachments. For testing purposes, placeholder Attachments are used. They won’t be in the release version, where much more interesting and visually appealing ones will appear instead.
Test Subject 001 – Iron Steed (Epic)

Test Subject 002 – Vessel of the Abyss (Rare)

Test Subject 003 – Eternal Bloom (Legendary)

Test Subject 004 – Whispering Reaper (Rare)

Test Subject 005 – Eyes of the Void (Rare)

*Please note: stub objects are used for testing.
You’ll be able to get 3D Attachments through various in-game activities. Stay tuned, as we’ll soon reveal all the details—and prepare for much more impressive, stunning Attachments when this feature launches!
The Sims: WoT edition.
So….fixing MM is not important but dogshit ed elements? FY…deinstall
BYE.. no one’s gonna miss you
And who give’s a fuck what you think? Piss in your one mouth idiot!
As a lesta employee i’ve to write the following statement “dogshit implementation, uninstall wot, fix mm”
obviously a 261 on the thumbnail, who else has time to look at their tanks other than td and arty “players”
You mean you don’t log into wot and look lovingly at your tanks in the garage and not click battle because it will be a defeat
Whatta useless and shitty addition to the game…
stop playing then.. morons like you don’t appreciate the game anyway
Oh look, a fanboy with his jimmies rustled…. You are easily to be impressed by some shitty trinkets, dumbass.
Well at least I don’t smell
Yes, you do, warmommy, after all you are ruSHITian ^u^
Is that really a bad thing? Lol.. I like the game and I enjoy it, sure it’s not perfect but I love it. you can go fuck yourself with that ‘negativity dildo’. Your kind are funny lol, y’all keep shit talking about the game but then keep playing and buying 100s of loot boxes
Dude, fuck you. First, I wasn’t complaining, but is it too much to want something more consistent from an update? Like , I don’t know, fixing the bug when you are next to a building and want to peak the corner in sniper mode and you aim in the sky? You know, the one that wasn’t fixed for years? Maybe some buffs to other tank lines, that they promised last year, for this year?
And second, if someone wants to complain , who the fuck are you to tell them to shut up? Let them complain as much as they want, is none of your business what THEY do, and it makes you look like a shitty fanboy sheep going “beeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”.
Buddy do you even play the game? They buffed every line they promised this and last year. type 5 is the only one that wasn’t and that’s years ago, and it’s understandable given how it’s supposed to be a niche and it’s difficult to buff it without making some characteristics too strong. Oh and you were complaining lol, and you can complain as much as you want, you got the right to do that.. just like how I have the right to disagree with you and tell you what’s wrong with your ‘complaint’. Update consistency? What do you want? Rebalancing every patch? New modes? 1.23.1, 1.24 and 1.26 are 3 big updates we got this year and that’s enough. More than that and you’ll have shit messed up like Lesta who are now putting arty with 500mm effective armor in their game.
Coming to the point, 3D attachments has been a long requested feature by majority of the playerbase and even CCs, So it’s a good thing WG is adding them now
Yes, I do. IS 3 was in the list too, and I think there were a few more in that list from the last year, that were supposed to be implemented this year.
And I want more, but especially, I want that bug fixed, it is in the game for years, not some shitty trinkets. Is this too much to ask? Or is this me complaining?
I could not care less about Lesta, I don’t play there. And yes, you have the right to disagree, but DON’T BE A BITCH, and don’t tell other players what to do or stop play the game.
Again is idiot pissing on other comments without any opinion…
500 gold per change??
Inb4 fridge attachments for soviet tanks.
as long as they have suckers playing and paying for this game they’re going to continue giving you things that suck. Clearly fixing MM will NEVER happen. They have zero interest in changing a their system that is meant to average you out to 50% WR and adjust tanks parameters FAR outside their “=/- 25%”. Why do you think they have snowball mode, ice mode and all those other stupid fkn “arcade modes”. To try out their latest steaming shitpile before rolling it out in an update. It’s just like online betting really.
the only thing averaging you out to 50% or below is your skill issue my guy, no ‘MM Fix’ or ‘OP tank’ is gonna fix that
I like it
FFS……that is just…..lazy. Instead add stuff like…..the shovel moving on the raumpanzer while in the garage, Tank engines starting up, smoke. What I really want is to take stuff off some tanks, not only in the garage…..Want to remove ugly plates and make the M10 look like a Panther again, remove ugly ass attachment on the Centurion 5/1, Want to be able to add SOME, progressive element markings on the cookie cutter new sherman that doesn’t let you put anything on it. Fck …do I need to go work at WG?
This is pretty much the start of what you’re talking about tho, in the future there’s gonna be more attachments even some animated ones. And why do you want to move the shovel on raumpanzer? It acts as spaced armor against HEAT and HE
I have a better idea. How about letting us sell all of the garbage inscriptions, decals, stickers, or styles that are clogging up our garages? Hell make them worth something trivial like 100c per and just let us declutter our options? You don’t have to spend any resources making new crap, just let us sell our old crap.
WG could waste some time and money adding to and improving the 5 sound effects they’ve had for 10 years.
And re-recording the crew audios that sound like they’ve been recorded on a child’s toy microphone 🤦🏼♂️
YES ^^^ !!!! AT 100 credits a piece I’d make like 30million. TIME TO SELL DECORATION CRAP.