WoT RU 1.30 Common Test: Empire’s Border Balance Changes

Now teams will be able to confidently fight on equal terms on the updated map “Empire’s Border”. 
The main changes affected the central direction and the left flank, where the team from the lower base had a clear advantage before. Minor adjustments were made to other positions – we will tell you about them later. In addition, the location of the tank spawn points was changed to simplify the movement at the beginning of the battle.

Reworking the central direction

The central part of the map has been changed: new intermediate covers and a reworked area near the mountain will allow players on both sides to fight more confidently. The team at the top base now has a chance to catch their breath – the opponents have lost their clear advantage in this area.

Before:After: Before: After: Before: After:

Good news for tank destroyers: the shooting paths towards the center of the mountain (H3-G3) are now balanced for both teams. This will give more opportunities to support allies and also help avoid tank destroyers from congregating in the same places.

Before: After: Before: After:

Rework of the bottom left direction

The lower left flank of the map has also become more balanced. The terrain has been reworked, intermediate covers have been added, which will allow both teams to advance more effectively in this direction . This will be especially felt by the players of the upper base, who previously often came under fire from the tank destroyers of the lower base.


The defensive direction at the upper base (D1-E1) has been improved: the terrain and vegetation have been improved, which will make it easier to contain the enemy’s advance towards the upper base.

Before: After:

An intermediate cover has appeared in sector B0, which will help players safely approach enemy positions and hold back their advance.

Before: After:

Another intermediate cover has appeared in sectors F7-F8. Now the tanks of the lower base will be able to advance more safely on this flank, having received additional protection.

Before: After:

7 thoughts on “WoT RU 1.30 Common Test: Empire’s Border Balance Changes

  1. Post-rework this map looks as bad as Mountain Pass if not worse, as far as light tanks or paper meds are concerned this is the opposite of Malinovka.

    1. The changes are minimal.
      Please refrain from commenting when you clearly have no idea what your talking about.

      1. > Please refrain from commenting when you clearly have no idea what your talking about.

        And you do? 😀

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