The brand-new Prototipo 6, a Tier VIII Italian medium tank will be joining the Supertest soon!
This vehicle is armed with a 105 -mm gun featuring a 3-shell autoreloading magazine that, delivering 300 HP of damage per shot. It has a full reload time of 35.5 seconds, with 2.5 seconds between each shell.
Compared to its “companion,” the Progetto M35 mod. 46, the Prototipo has a lower top speed of 50 km/h but offers much better acceleration and overall dynamics.
While the tank may have an impressive amount of armor, it performs well as a support vehicle. Stick close to your heavy allies, provide covering fire, and aim to fully use your magazine. Be sure to switch flanks when necessary, avoid direct close-quarters duels, and make the most of the tank’s decent mobility to stay out of danger.
New and better progetto? Maybeee… Will wait for better bourasque 😀
You might need to loosen your underpants
😀 thnx for advice
Seems pretty insane. 900 in 3 seconds with auto reloader, cant be penned with HE, can go 56 or 57 kph effortlessly
I meant 900 in 5 seconds
So yer, Lestas version at tier 9 is definitely more balanced than this.
Considering this is basically an Italian version of the Group B Standardpanzar, it makes absolutely 0 sense for it to have turret armour thicker then the Lion, which is designed off the Leopard 1
Don’t be fooled, in the Lesta version, the only part of the turret that has 200mm is the turret ring, the rest is only 60-70mm ( but the turrent mantlet is still thick though, from 250-270mm effective armor)
The turret’s sides also can be penned at the front if the tank isnt at max gun depression, so we can just shoot it there and all will be gucci
lesta people go way over head on tanks rebalance and these fools on comments get hyped with ru papgranda. Lesta debalance this tank just do other tanks like they did 56tp… Unessnasary changes again by lesta
More premium tanks and still nothing with MM and new bigger maps (not fucking coridors 50x50m).. This game is going to its end slow but shure.
RU – extensive vehicle rebalancing
EU – more auto reloader premium tanks
You mean more spotlighting mutil level lootboxes for Ru. The commenters that spam lesta non sense should just head over lesta and stop posting on comments sections about praising non sense lesta changes
Or you could just stop reading the comments and how about stop replying you twat
Head over to Lesta WoT if you enjoy their non sense changes