WoT RU: Q&A of The 3rd Campaign of Personal Missions

Briefly about the main thing:

  • The new personal combat missions campaign consists of 3 operations .
  • The reward for completing all the tasks of each operation is a unique tank .
  • The operation includes 3 branches, each of which is divided into 5 sub-branches.
  • Branches are a set of 25 tasks united by a main condition.
  • The sub-branch contains 5 combat missions. The fifth mission becomes available after completing the previous four.
  • The tasks are divided by the tier of vehicles: VI–VII, VIII–IX, X–XI .
  • Completing the final tasks of the sub-branches with distinction is mandatory to receive the main reward – a Tier XI combat vehicle .
  • IMPORTANT : Tier XI tank  will appear after the release of update 1.32 . Details about the characteristics will be later.

Question : Will there be any restrictions in the LMB? For example, a certain class, nation or technology level?

Answer :  There will be no restrictions on classes or nations.

The only limitation will be the level of technology. The tasks will be divided into the following groups:  VI-VII levels, VIII-IX levels and X-XI levels.

Accordingly, combat missions can be carried out on any vehicle of the appropriate level.

Question : How to get a Tier XI tank in the new LMB campaign? Will this be an additional operation?

Answer : To obtain a Tier XI tank, you must complete all final missions of the Operations sub-branches with distinction.

In total, there are 45 such tasks in the third campaign.

Question : When will there be information about the new Tier XI tank?

Answer : At the moment we can say that it will be a Tier XI super-heavy tank with two-gun mechanics.

Please note: the tank will appear in the game after the release of update 1.32. Detailed information about the vehicle will be available later.

Question : Will the previous campaigns remain after the new one is introduced?

If so, will it be possible to complete the new campaign tasks without completing the previous ones?

Answer : Yes, the first and second campaigns will remain in the game.

Yes, you can. You will also have the opportunity to simultaneously complete tasks from all three campaigns.

Question : Will it be possible to track the progress of tasks, as it was for the first two campaigns? Answer : Yes, it will. You will also be able to track the progress of combat missions right in the battle.

Question : How many tasks are there in each operation? Answer : Each operation consists of 75 combat missions.

Question : Were combat missions formed taking into account the features of the vehicles to reduce penalties for damaged modules, increase the number of durability points, etc.? Answer : Yes, combat missions were formed taking into account all changes in the game.

Question : Will the tasks have a main and additional condition like in previous campaigns? Or one condition, but very difficult? Answer : Most of the tasks (60 out of 75) will have only a primary condition. The final 15 tasks of the operation will have both a primary and secondary condition. Their completion will require effort.

Question : What happens if I complete all the tasks for a Tier XI tank before it appears in the game?

Answer : You will receive the main reward of the campaign at the very moment when the combat vehicle becomes available to players.

Moreover, we plan to additionally award such players with a special commemorative reward as an incentive.

Question : What type of tasks will there be?

In the style of “task for one execution” or “task for a successful series of N executions” as in the campaign for Object 279 early?

Answer : The New Horizons campaign includes combat missions of different types: for one execution, for a successful series, as well as cumulative missions “for any number of battles”.

Question : Will there be order forms in the new campaign? Answer : No, because in the new campaign there will be no restrictions on nations and vehicle classes.

Question : Is it possible that additional ways of obtaining forms for current campaigns will appear? For example, their appearance in the in-game store? Answer : No, there are no such plans yet.

Question : Will it be possible to use accumulated forms from other campaigns? Answer : No, you can’t.

Question : Will the vehicles for completing operations be promotional or premium? Answer : All four tanks will be promotional.

Question : Is it possible to complete the New Horizons campaign tasks using tanks received as part of this campaign? Answer : Yes, you can. Combat missions can be performed on any vehicle of the appropriate level.

Question : Will the new Personal Combat Missions campaign be more challenging than previous campaigns?

Answer : As already written above, most of each operation will be within the power of each player. Completing the final tasks will require effort.

As in previous campaigns, the next operation will be more difficult than the previous one.

Question : Is it possible to complete campaign tasks as part of a platoon?

And will there be platoon missions? Or only solo ones?

Answer : Yes, you can complete tasks as part of a platoon. However, only your battle result will be taken into account.

No, there are no platoon tasks planned. 

Question : Does the TF-2 CLARK have the same flamethrower principle as the Object 156O? Will there be a disorientation effect?

Answer : No, because the TF-2 CLARK is a representative of a new class of vehicles, the “heavy flamethrower tank”.

We’ll talk more about this class later, but it definitely won’t have a stun mechanic.

Question : Will the conditions of the tasks of previous LBC campaigns be revised? Answer : No, there are no such plans yet.

Question : Is it possible to complete the tasks of previous campaigns on Tier XI vehicles? Answer : No, the tasks of the first two campaigns will not be available for completion on Tier XI tanks.
For completing combat missions of operations you will receive valuable rewards, including unique tanks:
  • ARMT – USA, Light Tank, Tier VII
  • TF-2 CLARK – USA, heavy flamethrower tank, tier IX
  • Projet Murat – France, medium tank with a strong turret and a 3-round drum, tier X

Completing the tasks of all three operations with distinction will be marked by a truly royal award – a Tier XI super-heavy twin-barrel tank!

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