WoT: Update 1.26.1 Common Test 1 Patch Notes

Recon Mission

The upcoming launch of Recon Mission will feature a new mechanic—Local Weather, which brings a fresh gameplay experience and new tactical opportunities to the battlefield.
Local Weather introduces zones on the map with special weather effects (forest fires, heavy rain, sandstorms, or fog) that continue throughout the battle.

Not only do these zones add to the map’s atmosphere, they also affect gameplay. While all enemy vehicles spotted by you or your allies remain visible on the minimap, vehicles inside a local weather zone cannot spot vehicles outside the zone and vice versa, allowing you to shelter from enemy attacks. The fire effect, meanwhile, causes damage to vehicles.

As this is an early test of a new mechanic, the game may run unstably in Recon Mission mode, and you may experience some bugs. The visual effects are currently in test phase and will be significantly improved in future.


Scenarios for new players have been updated in the Stories mode.

Map Training

The Steppes map has been temporarily excluded from the Topography mode.


The Frontline mode is being tested ahead of upcoming launches. No gameplay changes have been made.

Tech Tree Trade-In

This event offers the chance to exchange one of your fully researched Tech Tree branches for a different one.

  • Available for a limited time.
  • Only one trade-in transaction can be made during this launch.
  • Eligible vehicle tiers: VI – X.
    • Fewer than five vehicles can be traded if the target branch is researched up to Tier VI and above.
    • Lower tiers are not eligible for trade-in and do not need to be researched for higher-tier exchanges to be made.
  • All assets linked to the vehicles affected by the trade-in will be retained on your account and/or transferred to your newly received vehicles:
    • Equipment (including Improved and Experimental Equipment), directives, customization elements, and ammo from the vehicles traded in will be moved to the Depot for free.
    • Field Modification levels will be transferred to the new vehicles. You will also receive compensation in credits for the Modifications installed on the vehicles you traded in.
    • The modules of all vehicles you give away will be removed and de-researched, including those in the Depot. The vehicles you receive will have every module researched and purchased.
    • Crew members in the vehicles given away when you traded them will be converted into nation-bound recruits, meaning they can be moved to other vehicles of the same nation they were before the trade without penalty. However, if a crew member had a perk efficiency penalty, they will be sent to the Barracks instead.
    • All Combat XP from vehicles you give away will be transferred to that nation’s Tier I vehicle.
    • All Service Record stats, Achievements, and Battle Pass Point and bond limits of vehicles you give away will be retained.
  • The trade-in transaction requires a fee in gold to be paid. The exact fee will not be final during the Common Test.
    • The trade-in fee varies depending on the number of tiers exchanged, the difference in XP required to research the traded branches, and the number of blueprints applied to the target branch.
    • The trade-in fee in gold can be substituted with other resources (bonds, Free XP, or national and universal fragments) for up to 100% of its cost (but some currencies are capped at a certain amount).
  • Eligible vehicles:
    • Every Tech Tree branch can be exchanged.
    • You can receive any branch of vehicles, except for certain recently released ones.
  • Tech Tree Trade-In operations are irreversible. Before making a decision, you should explore in detail the branch you want to receive, the rules that determine the final trade-in fee, and the effect the exchange will have on your vehicles, crews, and equipment.

Disabling Chat for Minors

Private messages and battle chat with allies will be disabled for players under 16 from some European countries.


The following vehicles have been added:




SFAC 105


Kpz. Erich Konzept I


FV226 Contradictious





KV-4 Turchaninov

Fixed Issues and Improvements

The enemy health bar now displays separate colored indicators depending on whether the damage their vehicle received was caused by the player, the player’s Platoon mate, or another player.

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