WoT Supertest: Char Murat Detailed Stats & Historical Reference

Char Murat (France, Tier-9, MT, premium, mechanics: drum for 3 shells) was also released on Thursday for the WoT supertest.
The tank could also already be seen in other WG projects. Also, in each of the games, the tank had a different level and purpose. So in WoT Console it is a Tier 10 Premium Medium Tank. In the WoT Blitz version, it is a techtreeTier 10 MT as part of the new French sub-branch. Well, as we wrote earlier, the tank will be released for the PC version.

Since the Char Murat has a drum, we will highlight its gun characteristics separately:


• Average damage: 390/390/480
• Average armor penetration with an APCR shell: 248 mm
• Average armor penetration with a HEAT shell: 300 mm
• Average armor penetration with a HE shell: 53 mm
• Reload time of the entire drum: 33.56 sec
• Reload time between shells: 2.5 sec
• Shells in the drum: 3
• Turret traverse speed: 41.72 deg/s
• Elevation angles: -12/15
• Aiming time: 2.4 sec
• Accuracy at 100 m: 0.34
• Average damage per minute: 1,821
• Initial velocity of the APCR shell: 1,280 m/s
• Initial velocity of the HEAT shell: 960 m/s
• Initial velocity of the HE shell: 930 m/s

Other stats:

Rate of fire (rounds/min): 4.67
Hull Traverse Speed (deg/s): 46.94
Strength (HP): 1,650
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 35/30/30
Turret Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 150/50/30
Track Repair time (sec): 8.02
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 45/48
Engine power (hp): 950
Specific power (hp/t): 21.11
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 60/20
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 13.51/2.67
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 10.15/2.01
View Range (m): 390

* All performance characteristics are listed with the commander’s bonus.

Historical Reference:

This tank project had two key features—a new fighting compartment configuration and a dual-loop caterpillar propulsion system, which, according to the developers, could boost firepower and mobility. A divider split the fighting compartment into separate crew and gun compartments. The automatic loading system consisted of a main three-shot loading system and an auxiliary mechanized rack. The design made it possible to load the gun and replenish the main rack without setting the gun to a fixed loading angle, significantly increasing the rate of fire and improving the crew’s comfort. The track loop was divided into two parts, enabling the vehicle to stay mobile even if it hit a mine. However, the dual-loop propulsion system made the chassis heavier and made the tank more difficult to drive and steer. The project went no further than blueprints.

Crew 3 people: Commander (Radio Operator); Gunner (Loader); Driver mechanic.
Role in battle: Support Medium support tank.
Special category equipment: Mobility.

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