WoT Supertest: ERAC 105 Proto

The ERAC 105 Proto is a Tier IX French light tank. With a formidable –8° of gun depression and a silhouette that’s on the smaller side of LTs, the ERAC can be a great passive scout. It can also cause a decent amount of damage thanks to its gun’s great accuracy and good DPM.

The gun’s caliber and single-shot damage are also factor here. At 105 mm, it has the second-best value at Tier IX (after the 152 mm HE thrower of the T49), while 320 HP of damage is the third best figure in the tier (just behind the T49 and level with the WZ-132A). Finally, the ERAC 105 Proto is highly mobile, with a base top forward speed of 70 km/h.

6 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: ERAC 105 Proto

  1. Looks fat, but might be good. Also, this camo is underwhelming by all means, idk what do they mean with “great passive scout”

    1. If it has good view range and with the right gear crew skills it doesn’t need To be up front or actively moving but can sit further back and spot. Sort of like the American light

  2. 16.36% camo puts this thing between the RU251 and T-54Ltwt and more the 1% behind the 13 90 but it gets 10m more veiwrange then the 13 90

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