WOT Express: New Launch of Maneuvers

According to our information, the new launch of the Maneuvers is planned for the second half of autumn 2024, or more precisely, at the very beginning of November. At the moment, the date is fixed and nothing should change.

The new reward will be: ST-62 Version 2 (USSR, Tier-10, MT, premium, magazine for 3 shells with reverse reloading)
+ 3D style “Second Wind” + other minor customizations.

It is noteworthy that the chosen time for the event is very non-standard and it starts much later than usual. For example, the Maneuvers in 2023 were in August. The maneuvers will begin just ~ a month before the New Year’s offensive of 2025. Was this done on purpose?

The plans for 2025 include at least one more launch of Maneuvers with the same ST-62 Version 2, but apparently nothing further has been described yet.

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