WoT RU: Project “Orbit”

This special mechanic will allow you to obtain Tier XI vehicles and other valuable rewards.

To get Tier XI vehicles, you need to reset the research progress of the branch in which tanks from Tier VI to Tier X are open, and research it again. The branch progress will be reset to a Tier VI tank. A victorious battle on each re-opened vehicle will earn you Orbita Project progression points. As you advance through the progression stages, you will receive valuable rewards, including Tier XI combat vehicles, premium and special tanks, crew members, and more.

Resetting a branch. Important features:

1) The following will remain unchanged: crew, modules studied, field upgrade research, tank experience, equipment, received awards and statistics results.
2) All vehicles of the selected branch that are on the account will be sold for 50% of the cost. It is not necessary for all tanks of the branch to be in the hangar for the reset.

Vickers MBT Mk.3 (MT, Tier VIII)

Sniper medium tank. Can boast good mobility and a formidable gun with good one-time damage. The main tasks in battle: constantly move in search of convenient firing points, aim at lightly armored enemy vehicles and “watch” the sides and rear of heavy tanks.

UDES 03 Alt 3 (MT, Tier IX)

A medium tank equipped with a hydraulic suspension and a gun with a magazine. It copes well with the role of a support vehicle, thanks to its mobility and small dimensions. A three-round magazine and good accuracy allow you to keep the enemy on edge and not let them get to the occupied lines.

Erich Concept I (ST, Tier X)

Fast and well-armed. Suitable for fans of tactical play. Comfortable angle of inclination will allow to play “from the relief”, and significant damage per shot will cool the ardor of anyone who dares to drive Erich Konzept I from a comfortable position.


How many points do you need to get to complete one stage of progression? Will resetting one branch and upgrading it again allow you to get rewards for all 10 stages? How many times do you have to reset the upgrade branches to get your first tier 11 tank?
At the moment we are not ready to share exact data, information will appear closer to the release of update 1.32 “Alpha”.

Can I reset any branches or only certain ones? How is the reset branch determined?
Branches in which Tier VI-X tanks have been researched will be available for reset. Players will be able to decide for themselves which branch to reset and research again. The branch progress will be reset to Tier V tank.

Is it possible to reset the same branch multiple times? If so, what are the terms and conditions?
We don’t have a final decision on this issue yet.

Is the nation of the branch you are resetting tied to the nation of the tier 11 tank?
No, it is not attached.

What is the Orbit point limit for each tank per level (similar to the Battle Pass)?
Such a limit is not planned.

General and Reset Questions

Question : Will all new branches now appear only through the Orbita project? Answer : New branches are already appearing in our game in different ways, and the Orbita project is one of them. We will definitely inform players about the addition of new branches of equipment and how to get access to them.

Question : How many points do I need to get to complete one stage of progression? Will resetting one branch and upgrading it again allow me to get rewards for all 10 stages? How many times do I have to reset the upgrade branches to get my first Tier XI tank? Answer : At the moment we are not ready to share exact data, information will appear closer to the release of update 1.32 “Alpha”.

Question : Can I reset any branches or only certain ones? How is the reset branch determined? Answer : Branches in which tanks of tiers VI-X have been researched will be available for reset. Players will be able to decide for themselves which branch to reset and research again. The branch progress will be reset to a tier V tank.

Question : Is it possible to reset the same branch multiple times? If so, what are the conditions and rules? Answer : We do not have a final decision on this issue yet.

Question : Is the nation of the branch you reset tied to the nation of the tier 11 tank? Answer : No, it is not tied.

Question : Is it possible to reset a branch where there are two Tier X tanks (for example, the IS-7 and Object 277 branch)? Or, after resetting one branch with a division between Tiers VI-X, will resetting the branch be blocked? Answer : In fact, these are two branches of tanks: the IS-7 branch and the Object 277 branch. Some of the tanks in these branches are common, that is, after resetting one of the branches, these common tanks will become unresearched, which will not allow you to immediately reset the second branch.

Question : Do you have to win one battle at each level? Answer : At the moment, one victorious battle will be enough. However, the Orbita project is in the active development stage, and some details may change.

Question : Is it possible to reset a branch if not all tank modules in the branch have been researched? (for example, radio station, tracks, etc.). Answer : Yes, you can.

Question : The progression shows two Tier XI tanks that can be obtained one after the other. Are these tanks of the same nation or a choice? To get four Tier XI tanks, do you have to complete two such progression lines? How do you get the other two Tier XI tanks? Answer : If you open the stage you need, you will be able to choose one of three available Tier XI tanks – Object 279, BZT-70, MBT-B. We have not yet determined the fate of the fourth tank.  In general, within the first season you will be able to get two Tier XI tanks. To get the third, you will need to progress again.

Question : Will Tier XI vehicles be given out in a specific order, or will it be possible to choose a tank yourself? Answer : You will be able to choose yourself.

Question : How will a Tier XI tank be credited to the account after completing all the tasks: automatically or will you have to pay? Answer : You don’t need to pay anything, you just need to choose the tank you want to pick up and it will appear in your hangar

Question : Will it be possible to progress by “just donating”? Answer : There will be no simple opportunity to complete the entire progression for gold or real money. However, players will be able to use all the methods of speeding up the equipment upgrade that are currently available in the game.

Question : Do I need to level up the entire branch and then reset it and level it up again until XI, or will it be possible to reset the current branch progression? Answer : Yes, one of the conditions for resetting the branch must be fully explored, starting from level VI to X.

Question : If there are branches where all the equipment has been researched but not purchased, is this an ideal option for resetting (from the player’s point of view)? Answer : From the player’s point of view – yes.

Question : Is it possible to reset several upgrade branches at once to complete them in parallel and speed up the acquisition of several Tier XI tanks at once? Answer : We plan to introduce a limit on the number of branches that can be reset at the same time, but it is too early to say how many branches can be reset at once.

Question : Will tanks of different tiers receive the same number of points for a winning battle, or will the number of points increase as the tier increases? Answer : I would like to remind you that the innovation is currently in the active development stage and is not yet final. But at the moment we are inclined to think that the number of points that the player will receive will be different.

Question : Is it possible to accumulate progression points by playing only one tier of vehicles? For example, re-explore the entire branch, but play only on Tier IX-X tanks. Answer : No. To get points, you need to win one battle on each of the tanks of the newly researched branch.

Question : How and with what is the reward scale filled? What will the progression be measured by? If there are some points to fill the progression, what are victories on tanks for? Answer : The progression will be filled with special “Orbit” points, which can be obtained for winning.

Question : What is the Orbit points limit for each tank per level (similar to the Battle Pass)? Answer : Such a limit is not planned.

Questions about mechanics after reset

Question : Will there be a discount on purchasing equipment after the reset? Answer : No, it is not planned.

Question : Is it possible to research dropped tanks for blueprints/free experience? If so, what are the conditions/rules? Answer : The rules will be similar to those that are currently in the game.

Question : Do I need to research modules on a dropped tank or can I start right away with the top configuration? Answer : Neither modules nor field upgrades will be dropped. In other words: take a tank, equip it and go into battle!

Question : When resetting a branch, will the equipment be dismantled for free or for gold/dismantling kits? Answer : Free.

Question : Will the equipment, styles/camos/decals/emblems be sent to the warehouse or sold? Answer : They will be sent to the warehouse.

Question : Will the crew be demobilized or sent to the barracks? If there is not enough space in the barracks, how will the crew from the dropped branch be accommodated there? Answer : Sent to the barracks, slots will be added, but they will disappear as soon as you pick up the crew (this is currently being clarified).

Question : Will crew members retain their experience and training for a specific tank after the drop? Answer : Yes, they will keep it.

Question : Should I sell the equipment of this branch or can I leave it and not buy it again? Answer : If the equipment of the dropped branch is in the hangar, it will be sold automatically, so the player does not need to do it manually.


6 thoughts on “WoT RU: Project “Orbit”


  2. Lesta garbage, also this isnt Wot. It’s mir tankov trash, please stop posting about this garbage here, the AI articles are bad enough on their own already.

    1. Well its’s exactly the same concept that Wows has had for years now, I don’t see a problem, keeps veteran players engaged.

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