WOT Express: Premium Clone Wars in WoT

Surely you have already noticed that there are more and more clones in the game. At least in each new lootbox there is a premium tank with a unique 3D style, but which is already present in the game. Moreover, they take quite good premiums specifically. And we will omit the story with Tier 10 and clones in the Chinese region (which will sooner or later appear in all regions of the game).

From the latest examples:

• Mars (Progetto M35 mod. 46)
• Forest Spirit (SU-130PM)
• Alembic (ASTRON Rex 105 mm)
• Miel (Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque)

And now, at least, the following clones are in development:
• Škoda T 56
• …

The premium clone Škoda T 56 will appear in the very near future!

We expect this trend to continue until at least the end of 2025.

11 thoughts on “WOT Express: Premium Clone Wars in WoT

      1. That’s all you can say about Lesta?

        1. Lootboxes have been in all sorts of games for well over a decade.
        Neither WG nor Lesta invented them, but WG was the one that put lootboxes in the game first, yes, those Christmas lootboxes.
        Any company seeing what lootboxes can bring will inevitably put more & more lootboxes in their games.

        2. Lootboxes don’t make game worse. In fact, whatever can financially stabilize the game is good.
        People complain about lootboxes because of 2 reasons:
        – The smaller one is that they can’t buy a tank straight with money, instead, they have to gamble.
        That’s really disgusting, but people can accept that.
        – The bigger one is that WG doesn’t do shit to make the game better but making lootboxes for MONTHS.
        They ignore all the problems while keep milking people.
        That’s even more disgusting than having to gamble to get certain tanks.

        What about Lesta? Lootboxes they do, but in the same time, they have done tons of good things to the game.

        You do a good job, you get rewarded for your effort.
        You do a shit job, you get bashed in the face.
        Can that be more normal?

        1. Don’t tell us LESTA have done “LOTS” of good things for the game. Tell us WHAT good things they have done for the game. Be specific because one players good thing is another players nightmare. I hate clone tanks and I also hate what EU have done to the Tour of Duty and Clans but I find it very hard to believe that wonderful LESTA have solved al the games issues just by being Russian…

          1. Anyone following what happened in RU would already know what Lesta has done.
            But if you have no idea what they’ve done then to make it short for you, Lesta has done a lot of good balance changes and made over 3x the amount of contents WG has produced since their departure.

            The list of balance changes Lesta has done is too fcking long to put in a comment.
            Tier 10 in RU current has about twice the variety compared to our version of WoT.
            I’m not even talking about tier 8 & 9, which also got tons of good changes.
            Lesta made all bad tanks good in months while WG take years to do some small changes.

            Ah yes, Tour of Duty has been always a bonus for anyone who plays the game casually but WG had to fck it up for no reason.

            What you believe doesn’t matter.
            What matters is the reality, and the reality is that WoT RU now is a way better game, and they’re getting tier 11 too.
            From what Lesta has done, I have no doubt that even if tier 11 is unbalanced at launch, they will get changed in no time.

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