WoT CN: ShPTK-TVP 100 “Šotek”

The Šotek tank is a clone of the ShPTK-TVP 100 (Czechoslovakia, Tier-8, TD, premium) in terms of performance characteristics, with the exception of blocked customization and description.
• Features unique marks, lights and sound effects.
Released in August 2024 only in the China region in rare (staged) loot boxes. We expect the release in all regions no earlier than 2025.


“Stop yelling! You know how it will all end. You’ve heard that stupid song about the monster from the swamps. And for the most part, it’s true. Especially the lines about teeth, claws and a craving for human flesh… The only thing I don’t understand is why the author decided that some powder would take me. And you also have to use it while flying a plane. No, my friend, that only happens in fairy tales. By the way, when you finish yelling, you can think about what made us meet in that swamp. It’s amazing how easy it is to kidnap another inquisitive resident of the capital who was hooked by a primitive song. Admit it, you, like many others, wanted to check for yourself that there are no monsters in Moravia. Well, how was it? Are you convinced? I never doubted one thing: people learn only from their own mistakes. And you have become wiser today. I would like to chat with you about fairy tales, monsters and music, but, as they say, you can’t live on songs…”

Fictional. Group: Special. Tech. price: 100 gold. Only for tank: Chotek. Max per account: 1. ID: 935.

One thought on “WoT CN: ShPTK-TVP 100 “Šotek”

  1. For context. “Šotek” is a mythical being, a type of a gnome or dwarf in west slavic folklore.
    However the skin seems to be more based on “Jožin z Bažin”, a swamp monster in same named song by Ivan Mládek and Banjo band. Lines from the song are specifically mentioned in the skin description/backstory.

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