WoT RU: New Map – Kamchatka

A town under construction, a geothermal station, a valley of geysers, a pumice gorge – all this creates an incredible atmosphere of the location “Kamchatka”. And the musical theme of the location is based on archaic percussion instruments, characteristic throat singing and a jaw harp.

“Kamchatka”: two weather conditions

For each battle, one of two weather conditions will be randomly selected at the location.

The weather will be the same for all players in one battle.

19 thoughts on “WoT RU: New Map – Kamchatka

  1. WG EU where are you… Oh probably you are breaking your head with loot boxes, when and what to put…. Shame on you WG EU

      1. They’ve been messing with their new game. What is it called? Project CW?
        Now there’s a rumor about WoT 2.0, so we can’t expect any of the broken things in WoT getting fixed?

        They’re still dumping out lootboxes every other month, but we can’t expect any improvement in our game?
        What a stupid thing to say.

    1. Wot ru has been focusing on Mutil tier loot boxes for almost all past updates…while Wot eu/na provide new content gladly bypassing comments from players got stuck in Russia propaganda lesta

      1. I shall sh!t big time in the mouths of your filthy mom and gf! Gtfo to your class room, you useless monkey that keeps on repeating the 2nd grade!

        F ua and its retarded nafo bot supporters!

  2. Sometimes I just drive around in a battle and admire the map scenery. It’s sometimes more fun than the battle

    1. That makes sense with your 43% win rate.
      And stop commenting we don’t want to be infected with your uselessness

  3. We all know it will be in “testing” mode for another year until its completely forgotten and replaced by 3 loot box events.

    1. And you still dont undertsand that Lesta or whatever is called and WG Europe is same company and that same owner sits in Belarus … company virtualy split in half to dodge sanctions… pathetic how people can be single minded and don’t see a big picture…

        1. I don’t care about Russian, but I pitty you cause you don’t see that it is same coin with 2 sides… you and me are arguing here but on end money goes in one place….

          1. Therefore your money going to the EU and you get nothing in return except more loot boxes.
            Your money into RU you get balancing, maps, new tanks, new premiums and even a new teir.

            So the logic would be to not spend any money on EU.

            Yet players here are arguing if the latest teur 8 premium tanks is op or not because it does an extra 10 HP of damage over the last premium pay to win tank 🤷🏼‍♂️

  4. I don’t care about Russian, but I pitty you cause you don’t see that it is same coin with 2 sides… you and me are arguing here but on end money goes in one place….

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