WoT Supertest: Airfield Map Changes

The global redesign of this map includes significant changes to the heavy tank direction, center, and coast, as well as the positions of tank destroyers ong the red line. These experimental adjustments aim to enhance the gameplay experience for maneuverable tanks, provide more isolation for heavy tanks in their designated areas, and reduce the number of ambush positions for tank destroyers along the bases and red line.

Additionally, the locations of the bases and spawn points have been modified, and the red line has been moved down by 100 meters. Here are the key changes:

Main Battle Point for Maneuverable Vehicles: A variety of hull-down and side-scraping positions at different distances will offer diverse gameplay opportunities.

2.Heavy Tank Direction: This area now features two distinct sub-areas: a cave and a hillock behind it.

3.Distant Tank Destroyer Positions: These positions control the advance of opponents, provide limited base control, and help deter aggressive attacks.

4.Enhanced Fast Vehicle Opportunities: Additional positions and opportunities for fast vehicles have been added along the central vertical axis of the map.



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17 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Airfield Map Changes

  1. So pretty much the only thing that didn’t change is the name. But ok, the map has always been pretty bad. Will the new version be any better? Place your bets now.

    1. 1 version was not bad, second was worse but now is unplayable like Mountain Pass and others…

  2. They need to get rid of the ocean to expand the map. These tiny maps all filled with unplayable terrain

  3. WG might have converted a heavy-oriented map into a medium-oriented map; this would be an improvement. The best medium sniping positions have been wrecked anyway.

  4. Large open areas are just there for the view. They are simply deadzones.

    This rework version is still shit if not even shitter than before.
    This is exactly what happened with Oyster Bay, large deadzones and only a few playable areas.

    If they don’t add new covers/bushes, this gonna be a camp fest and the only ones who can have fun are clickers.
    It’s so open that nobody wants to get spotted, because it’s pretty much a guaranteed headshot fron the fcking sky.

  5. yeah, its fucking cheeks bruh
    people complained many times about maps like studzianki, lakeville or oyster bay, where the 60% of the map is literally unplayable, so lets make airfield like those!
    fucking clueless clowns

      1. apparently mezfi living on the comment section in the Russian papagonda got in his head. The same person in the group complaining about WG not having new changes is now complaining about new changes.

  6. So, hmmm, Airfield doesn’t have an airfield anymore?

    Oh but it has a castle, now! Can’t have a map without a castle, no, now, can we, WG? That would be terrible, now, wouldn’t it?

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