WoT Supertest: SFAC 105 Detailed Stats

SFAC 105 (France, Tier-8, TD, premium, double-barreled gun mechanics)
The first French tank with double-barrel gun mechanics.
• Gun loading time: (1/2): 10.07/10.07 sec.
• Reload (full/intraclip(change)/quantity): 20.13/3 sec/2 pcs.
• Time to prepare a salvo shot: 4 sec.
• Gun change time: 3 sec.
• Cannon reload blocking time after a salvo: 5 sec.
• Recoil force from a salvo: 150

Other fire performance characteristics:
• Average damage: 390/390/480
• Average armor penetration: 270/320/53 mm
• Turret traverse speed: 22.95 deg/s
• Vertical aiming angles: -8/60 deg
• Horizontal aiming angles: -69/69 deg
• Aiming time: 1.63 sec
• Accuracy at 100m: 0.40
• Average damage per minute: 2,324
• Initial flight speed of APCR: 1,415 m/s
• Initial flight speed of HEAT: 940 m/s
• Initial flight speed of HE: 940 m/s

Strength (HP): 1,100
Hull Armor (frontal/side/rear in mm): 40/20/15
Track Repair time (sec): 12.03
Maximum weight of the machine(t): 25/28
Engine power (hp): 550
Specific power (hp/t): 22
Max. speed/reverse (km/h): 60/20
Stationary vehicle camo (%): 19.32/4.04
Moving Vehicle camo (%): 11.57/2.42
View Range (m): 360

Crew of 5 people: Commander (Radio Operator); Gunner; Driver; Loader; Loader.
Role in combat: Support tank destroyer.
Special equipment category: Firepower.

8 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: SFAC 105 Detailed Stats

  1. Yo. OKAY.
    4 Second charge?
    Totally unreactable to any immediate spot double shots. I would have to get lucky from holding charge three seconds ago, very unlikely. As we all know this thing has crap accuracy for single shots.

    5 second gun lock?
    It already has infinitely worse doubleshot DPM than SU-122-2 from the reload and the charging, now we have to have 4 extra seconds gun lock. YIKKES!!!!!

    Some of this has to be better if you consider the HP pool and the armor.

    We werent even given the special stats given while charging! Whats the new special accuracy, dispersions and aim time???

    They should instead of locking the gun give the player quicker reload on the next shot for waiting five years to fire absolutely screwing the DPM.

    Giving this tank a double barrel and making it the absolute worst way to use the tank is a seriously questionable move. The hell?

        1. Or… If this will be the one thrown at you by the lootboxes instead of the one you really want. /s

    1. To me this tanks still looks fun as hell and really strong too. It’s damage from salve is insane almost 800 hp taken from enemy is really broken to the point I’m worrying for the state of the game now. The fact that you can deal 800 with one shot with so much pen in VIII tier is insane to me. Especially with the fact that this is a td that can shoot it salvo hide and repeat with almost no counterplay for enemies (especially with it’s speed enabling it to escape when reloading or reposition after every salvo).

      1. I have to disagree, in the time this thing deals 780 in 3 or 4 seconds, a bourassque can deal 720 in 2, GSOR 1008 deals like 1280 in 6 seconds, BZ deals 800 with some of the best armor in tier 8, Caliban deals 850 twice for 1700 in 2.75 seconds, SU122-2 deals 780 while having .5s faster reload on each shell and having to charge for half the time at 2 seconds, combine amounts to MUCH more DPM compared to this thing. 200 more health, doesnt have to worry about high explosive. Did you just say you were worried about 270 APCR? 258 AP is much better then 270 APCR, ESPECIALLY when you are sniping like this thing is supposed to be. APCR has much worse penetration falloff if i remember correctly.

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