WoT Supertest: Erich Konzept I

The Erich Konzept I, a Tier IX German medium tank. This tank is designed for long-range combat, featuring a versatile gun that delivers 400 HP of damage per shot without any significant drawbacks.

Its accuracy, decent penetration values, stabilization, and shell velocity allow it to inflict damage from any distance.

The Erich Konzept I boasts high mobility, with a top speed of 65 km/h, enabling it to adapt to changing battle conditions. However, its survivability is low due to a limited HP pool (1,650) and armor that only provides protection against HE shells.

17 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Erich Konzept I

  1. Lesta has this tank as a tier 10 MT with a 750 alpha derp gun and 70 kp/h top speed. I wish we get their version of the tank (although I doubt it)

    1. I don’t think something with light tank mobility and the E 100 15cm gun would be good for the game.

      1. It CAN be good for the game is it was balanced accordingly. Paper armor, low health pool, dog shit pen maybe at 210 ish, 270 heat, lower HE pen at about 70. Bad rotation and movement dispersion, a german version of the sheridan with 50 more damage, mediocre dpm.

        Look at the char. Mle Im constantly running around in that thing doing 1200 drive bys in 3.5 seconds with no reprocussiouns. This will do similar but slower, larger, more ambush tactically. This isnt worst than the char. Not even to mention char goes like 80 kph. Lol

  2. this looks very strong… only problem for perfection is DPM.. compare it to Patton it’s by 2 sec or WZ-120 it’s the same, but WZ has 440 alpha.. slightly better DPM and we might get a tank to be S tier worth playing thousands of battles in it since the rest of the stats are very good.. doubt moving dispersion is bad as well..

    1. Please don’t comment when you know nothing about what your talking about.

      Alpha is king not dpm

    1. Don’t worry if you see your mice eating poo – they do this because it keeps their guts nice and healthy and it’s completely normal.

  3. Nice ammo and accuracy. Not much else. That speed isn’t going to help much when it’s only fit for backline sniping anyways with its awful armor. 12 degrees of elevation is going to get you into all sorts of awkward situations too.

  4. With 2.3k base DPM and 400 alpha, I guess this tank will have slightly better stabilization than the LeoPTA.

    So, another clone of a techtree glass-cannon tank right after the Vickers 3?
    Exactly what the game needs, totally not MM rework, not map/tank rebalance.

    Yeah, WoT is absolutely not dying.
    I should enjoy the game just normal.

    Greediness ruins everything.

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