WoT: Airfield Map – Experimental Gameplay Rebalance

We aim to introduce significant experimental changes to the Airfield map, drastically altering its layout and strategic directions. These changes will enhance the overall gameplay experience by improving the battle flow and providing more engaging opportunities for various vehicle types. We seek the optimal solutions to improve the battle dynamics on the map, so all changes are fundamental.

Key Changes Overview

Southern and Central Directions Overhaul:

• Main Battle Points and Coastal Revisions: The primary battle areas along the coast and the central parts of the map have been extensively reworked. These changes are designed to create more dynamic engagements and provide better maneuvering options for vehicles with strong turret armor and light tanks.
• TD Position Adjustments: The positions for TDs along the map’s border have been significantly revised. These changes aim to reduce the dominance of TDs by limiting their effective firing lines, especially near the bases and the red line.

Specific Changes

1. Central Battle Points:
The key battle locations for maneuverable vehicles in the map’s center have been modified. These new points are designed to facilitate more active and engaging combat for mobile vehicles.

2. Ambush Position Reduction:
The number of ambush positions along the bases and the red line has been decreased. This change is intended to encourage more open and fluid combat, reducing the prevalence of static, defensive gameplay.

3. Northern TD Positions:
The TD positions in the northern part of the map, behind the bases, have been altered. The new positions prevent these units from having clear firing lines at the main combat areas for heavy tanks, promoting a more balanced and fair battle environment.


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22 thoughts on “WoT: Airfield Map – Experimental Gameplay Rebalance

  1. Why even have soft skinned TD’s, especially those with casemates, in the game if you are going to make them unplayable? NOBODY is complaining about camp fests, they are complaining about 2 minute roflstomps . The most banned maps are the “dynamic” close in city knife fighting maps, not the open ones.

    1. Yea map changes , cvs , field mods , HE changes , ammo switching buffs have made tds with no armor almost useless . But wargaming continues to make them even more useless .

    2. I am not complaining about 2 minute roflestomps. I don’t even mind them. What I can’t stand is camping. THAT REALLY ANNOYS ME.

    1. They can’t… The only performance statistic that TD’s do well in is popularity (a.k.a. # of games played). 9 of top 25 are TD’s, 7/9 are soft skinned or open topped, and nearly half 4/9 are premiums.

      They don’t do well statistically (almost exclusively mediums), vs player average (mediums again), or in overall performance (again, it’s mediums), but hey nerf the TD’s again to conform to Streamer’s preferences…

      No wonder you are hemorrhaging players, your fat keistered vodka snorting devs know better than paying customers what they want to play.

    1. This. It’s been shit since day one. Which is sad because we don’t have many desert maps.in the game.

  2. “These changes aim to reduce the dominance of TDs by limiting their effective firing lines, especially near the bases and the red line.” STFU… Look at the data you turds.

    Top 25 vehicles by WR, 2 are TD’s
    Top 25 vehicles by WN8, 1 is TD
    Top 25 vehicles by WR Diff, 3 TD’s
    Top 25 vehicles by DPG, 3TD’s
    Top 25 vehicles by Frags, 6TD’s

    Where the hell is this vast dominance by TD’s that means they need to be screwed over YET AGAIN.

    1. you are wrong or a liar . I check tomatoes.gg all the time and its heavy tanks and meds . wow you straight up make this up .

  3. WORLD OF HEAVY TANKS ~ and from the bottle’s vodka taken with coke at breakfast, lunch and dinner WG developer/ managers a personal message which is “fuck you all and if you don’t like it, then fuck you all again”
    Flat plain no cover Maps, small crowded City Maps, Maps with instructions where to go where to play and where to dis fast ~ that’s what WE like and force you to play, don’t like it “then fuck yourselves” oops that was Serb back in the day (miss Serb such a pleasant chap ……..

  4. Maps are to small and change position of rock will not help improve game play . If we have tanks with view range across map and tank who drove like Ferrari and you sport in Less than 30 sec of game there rebalancing is useless

  5. So WG is turning this map into a second Wadi? COOL, instead of giving us one of 12 brand new, already tested maps, we get an old map now TWICE!!!

  6. Sadly soo much low effort players on comments…not knowing heavy tank is also going better than mediums…even in real life.

    Is like President Trump is above the law

  7. the changes could be interesting, ofc all the redliners will cry about them, but then again, this map has gone through so many overhauls, that it should be straight up removed, if this doesn’t work. And maybe take Fjords to the grave with it.

  8. Fucking wg counts, they still don’t fix the fucking flawed maps like Mines and Tundra but they need to change this one…. again

    Those pathetic turds don’t play the game they have no clues.

    Can’t wait to see the game die

  9. Wow just wow.
    So they’ve just removed all cover and made the map open and empty.
    There’s already too many maps with no TD firing lines or angles.
    No wonder everyone wants to play heavy tanks because there’s no fun in playing anything else.
    Just make the maps bigger. They don’t need to be even more “dynamic” 🖕🏼

  10. I like these changes. Why? Because the map cannot get any worse, so any changes MUST be for the better.

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