WoT: Vickers MBT Mk. 3 Detailed Stats

You have an opportunity to craft a swift medium tank tailored for sniping and also very good at causing damage from mid-range. The Vickers MBT Mk. 3 is able to take both precision and snap shots, making its tactics highly flexible. Playing it requires concentration and tactical awareness (especially at mid-range) but can be highly rewarding. Also, the vehicle has undeniably British looks, which is very definitely a plus.

Gameplay Features

  • Gun—Precision and DPM: The Vickers MBT Mk. 3’s 105 mm L7 gun is one of the best at Tier X: the most precise, with outstanding aiming time and stabilization, and a maximum depression angle of −10 degrees. The DPM can exceed 3,400 HP/min with crew perks and equipment. On top of that, shells of every type travel really fast and have good armor penetration values.
  • Mobility—Tactical and Strategic: The Vickers MBT Mk. 3’s very decent base top speed (which can be improved to 60 km/h with a Turbocharger) is complemented by excellent specific power, giving it good acceleration. This enables you to quickly leave positions once spotted, change directions multiple times during a battle, and have plenty of flanking opportunities.
  • View Range—A Clear Advantage: With a base value of 410 m, the Vickers MBT Mk. 3’s excellent sight gives you a good chance to notice enemies before they spot you. Together with the tank’s mobility, this can keep you out of trouble as its armor shouldn’t be relied on.

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Gameplay Tips for Success

  • Snipe: Use the tank’s great view range and its gun’s unrivaled accuracy to sting opponents from afar.
  • Shoot from the Hip: With the stabilization that the L7 gun has, you don’t even need to stop to take mid-range shots that will hit.
  • Use Every Shell Type: The standard APCR shell traveling at 1,540 m/s is your first option for long-range precision shots. Use the special HEAT rounds with 330 mm of armor pen for hard targets, and use HESH rounds with 105 mm of armor pen for crunchy ones.
  • Stay Alert and Change Positions: The Vickers MBT Mk. 3 should be on the move most of the time, switching between the second and third lines of battle. The camo values are good but not excellent, and you should avoid exposing the tank to enemy fire until the very end of the battle. Your performance depends on your ability to monitor the tactical situation constantly and make decisions promptly.

Prepare to claim your Vickers MBT Mk. 3, and cross your fingers for interesting numbers, Commanders!

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