WoT: Popularity of The Assembly Shop

WOT Express has started to notice that interest in the vehicles from the Assembly Shop has begun to decline. Although the vehicles are interesting in terms of their specifications, the tanks themselves have become more ordinary. Therefore, the sale of all Vickers MBT Mk. 3 is in question, especially when looking at the statistics of previous Assembly Shops.

Assembly Shop 2 – Lion: 65,000 sold in 2 hours 51 minutes.
Assembly Shop 3 – Kampfpanzer 07 P(E): 75,000 sold in 3 hours 37 minutes.
Assembly Shop 4  – Object 452K: 80,000 sold in 7 days!

The statistics were collected from the EU region. In the RU region, the situation is even worse.

23 thoughts on “WoT: Popularity of The Assembly Shop

  1. I think players are just getting burned out. The game is so stale and its become nothing but an endless grind for everything over the same stale maps for the same stale positions.

    1. ^ this
      + I think, horders are running out of recources and until no new content gets released (like long awaited maps and rebalancing) all fed up players – like me myself – are not willing to spent a dime on this fmkind of forgotten game….

      If your playerbase starts feeling milked guess yourself if they will let them milk even more… Looking directly at you WG

    2. Adding to what you said, if one wants to get assembly tanks for free it takes a massive amount of resources for each of them. Assembly ripoff happens what, two times a year? Unless one plays a lot it’s going to be hard to build the necessary amount for the next assembly tank.

  2. People cant keep up . These events are crazy expensive . They need to start lowering the cost of premium tans and prices in any form for events. The amount of every currency in wot you need for everything is huge . Sigh .

  3. 40k gold for one tank PLUS you need to grind the xp to convert . And this is the cheap way . If you use straight gold its more expensive . Even if you save 1 million free xp you cant save up enough in time for the next event . Just put the tanks in the bond shop and put a price in bonds , gold , and or free xp or a combination of all or some . This way people can grind what they need or pay to get it faster .

    1. The resources needed equate to over $100 or 100 EUR.

      More players don’t have that spare or the inclination to spend it on another tank with no special qualities.

      When you have over 650 tanks in your garage who needs it.

      The only way wg sell tanks now is with stupid gimmicks.

      Meanwhile, no new tank modes, no new maps and no new crew system

    2. FOMO is the goal, WG want people to obsess over these things and be careless with their IRL money and game resources.

  4. Wg constant player milking and lootboxes every month has to stop, the quality of the game is getting worse as days go by, I understand that it’s a business and it should make revenue but not on the cost of the game getting worse and worse, just look at the matchmaker for example.

    1. MM at tier 8 is premium infested. If you see a normal tech tree tank god bless his soul

  5. First time I won’t have 1 million free XP ready for this (have 650k), and that actually weighs on me, bloody we, lol, they made an art out of FOMO.

    1. I mean, I’ve played the Lion exactly 3 times, I’ve played 17 games on the Kampfpanzer (but I admit I really liked it) and I haven’t even kitted the 452k, *BUT I STILL WANT THE VICKERS* for some absurd reason, lol.

      1. I missed on all previous assembly shop tanks (due to lack of resources; 452K I didn’t want). I tried them all on the crew changes test server and I have to say I regret not having the Lion – such a sweet vehicle with insane DPM; as well as the KPz – amazing gun for a HT and funky armour, that holds very well against HEAT. So I’m still debating if I want the Vickers. I have Leo 1 and if it’s a slower, but more accurate Leo…why not?

        1. 780 is also excellent, great gun and funky armor… overal nice and fun to play heavy…

  6. You don’t have to have those tanks.
    They are available if you have the resources and you are willing to spend them.
    You don’t NEED this, WG is not trying to rip you off, they are providing an opportunity for players to sink their excess resource. If you don’t have it available why would you go after this tank it’s not like it’s Chieftain 2.0 – fukin pass it

  7. Easy skip once again, i got the lion back in the days, and skipped every event after that.

  8. They have killed this game, it started back when SirFoch ranted about it, the game was brilliant back then, I loved it, I still have some love for it, but a lot of the changes they made are for the bad players of the game, and its ruined the gameplay, I cannot play it for hours on end anymore!

    1. I really enjoyed onslaught lite.
      Why they don’t have frontline and onslaught every weekend I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♂️

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