WOT Express: Halloween 2024 Leaks

Autumn 2024 will introduce a new mode (since the Mirny 13 event has come to an end), and the new event is the introduction of the “Crusher,” a brand-new Tier 8 British Heavy Tank.

The Crusher will come with an exclusive 3D style that will be available as part of the Halloween event.

Crusher detailed stats on tanks.gg

12 thoughts on “WOT Express: Halloween 2024 Leaks

  1. Wow, what an ugly tank… To drive this you must first wear a paper bag on your head, to hide your shame.

  2. It may be ugly-looking tonk, but it has some serious DPM, very strong turret and it’s quite tricky to track and damage in the same time. I think it would be quite a strong tank, if WG don’t nerf it some way.

      1. When I say that the HT has strong turret, I mean it’s resilient against same tier gold rounds, which is valid for the Crusher. Obviously, tiers 9 and 10 would obliterate it with gold, but that’s normal. Hell, even BZ-176’s turret is trash against 340 HEAT.

        And if I were a 43%-er, I would’ve hated UDES 14 5 for a multitide of reasons 😀

  3. Will it be actually free like the old marathons or almost impossible to get and have to pay for the CHANCE to get it for free ??

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