Wargaming Donates 100.000 USD to Help Restore Okhmatdyt Hospital in Ukraine

Wargaming donates 4 000 000 UAH (around 100 000 USD) to help restore Okhmatdyt hospital through the UNITED24 platform. These funds will be used to rebuild the largest children’s hospital in Ukraine, where more than 20,000 kids from all over the country are treated every year.

36 thoughts on “Wargaming Donates 100.000 USD to Help Restore Okhmatdyt Hospital in Ukraine

      1. Unhappy__bunny stupidest comments even if the intent was trolling or not. Its for a good clause
        Wargaming donates for good clause
        Lesta “content & sales” funds the Putin War for bad clause

        1. I don’t give 2 shits about Putin or the funny slav bash there. But clearly Lesta is doing something right considering that they are adding new maps and balance changes. Meanwhile all WG is doing is adding shitty paid collabs. If anything, I would sooner spend money in Lesta’s version than this shitshow

          1. Some players praising Lesta sadly and bad clause….even through Lesta is hyping up the content only for Putin Sales.

    1. blud everyone makes money from wars, thats why we still have them. the usa alone makes billions from exports

    1. Oh look, a peacenik . Ok hippie, are you willing to give half of what you have? Including family members? It is for “peace”, man!

  1. Awesome! The neo-Nazi orcs get what they have deserved from the Russians during 2014-2022 period! Really glad that happened! Hopefully this will occur to rromanians, poles, baltic landfill sites citizens and other Russophobic turds!

    #Z #congratsToTheRussianArmy

    1. Oh, look, my pro russian “friend” Lil’ Toy Car wardaddy . I’ve miss you soooo much! ^u^

    2. Your attitude to Poles is why they are russophobic – you are not better than banderites, Russia = Ukraine, turanian steppe hordes.

  2. All this happened because a clown named Zelensky insisted on joining NATO while Ukraine is a country having shared border with Russian, basically telling Putin to fck him up.

    Although the clown got what he asked for, those who suffered the most are Ukrainian people.
    It must be really sad for having such a retarded leader who now keeps ordering his people to go to die in frontline while he’s begging the US and EU to keep the war flame on with their “supports”.

    Unfortunately, Ukrainians can’t do shit now because the clown has shut down election to keep his power.
    Absolute madness.

    1. Exactly. Ukrainians need to rise up and kill zekensky to end the war.
      Biden can fuck off to an early grave too

      1. There are many recent clips of Biden showing how fast his brain is melting on YouTube.

        Even though this is quite funny, he’s over 80 and he’s about to go already.
        There’s no need to be harsh on someone that old and in such conditions.

        1. So what? The whole world know he’s a puppet. He should never stood for election.
          It doesn’t matter now. Trump will win now the democrats tried to murder him.

          1. Bud, i got news for you : that guy was a registered republican … It looks like not even republicans like Trump.

            1. Incorrect again. Stop getting your news from twitter.
              He donated to leftist political groups and had been arrested several times for being involved in antifa rioting.

              1. It wasn’t from twatter, bud. Many sources said that. We will see. By the way, what sources should i listen, scot ritter?

      1. You are from ‘Murica? If so, you want America to be weak? Because Trump is a bitch. Even that moldy senile guy from White House has more balls than Trump.

          1. By the way, Trump is still a coward bitch. And this is from a former “fan” of his.

  3. The rro ma nian cheap bot should be banned, but not only here, but in real life, as well! F deep this brainwashed illiterate jobless c*nt with a two-digit IQ!

    #TrumpWinsOverSenilebiden #AmericaNotSoCrappyWithTrumpInCharge F all the degenerate woke leftists!

    1. Wardaddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! I’ve missed you soooooo much 😆
      Anyway : how is the life in ruSSia? Did putin raised your salary ? I hope so, for your sake, i heard that the potatoes tripled in price there😈

  4. Guys a children’s hospital was bombed. This was no military operation, it wasn’t terrorism just because the perpetrator sits in the UN Security Council and has veto power (and before the crybabies show up, America and the other three of the “big five” are equally guilty of atrocities that are excused because they won World War 2, the UN is structured around that fact).

    The only thing worth commenting here is WG did something good.

      1. Only someone who dug trenches at Chernobyl would believe ruSSian propaganda. But i like your nick 😈

    1. I know not everyone is Mr.Beast, but come on, WG’s a fcking giant company.
      They did that for their reputation more than actual good cause.

      100k$ is no big deal for them, and also, 100k$ doesn’t do much for a hospital.
      It’s like 3 nice family cars, that’s it.

      1. Find us ONE entity (be it a person or organization) that helps others purely out of the goodness of their heart. Not even the Church is like that.

        Credit where is due because at least WG bothered to help, whatever their endgame was. In comparison the WoT community is a bunch of inconsequential yappers (and yes I am among them, but at least I have the common sense not to hate something for no reason at all).

        1. Hating on WG? I prefer spitting facts.
          Your common sense has nothing to do here, because WG is indeed a bunch of greedy mfs that have been effectively destroyed our game.

          You need to know that WoT after all of its progression is a product made by not only its creator but also its community.
          WG would not be this big if not because WoT community has been so loyal with the game.

          So yes, WoT community takes part in these donations. WG has never been generous with their own customers, let alone the people they don’t even acknowledge.

          How dare I speak in such manner? Because I am one of those who have stayed with the game for a very long time and spent a lot of time & money on it.
          I demand not being treated like a cash cow. FUCK WG.

        2. I forgot this.
          “helps others purely out of the goodness of their heart” tell that to Mr.Beast.
          There are many more purely good souls in this world than your brain can assume.

    2. Since the start of the conflict in Gaza, 31 out of 36 hospitals have been damaged or destroyed…


      This is abslute fact that when it comes to which country bombs where,many have diffrent ideas,yes? you call a Terror attack from russians for any reason,israel doing same almost every week,and they bombed refugee camps too, Sir,the world is fked up rn , power and money are not in the right direction…

      1. I think you need to learn geography. Gaza is not in Ukraine.

        Nobody cares about Gaza or Palestinians..

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